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Coun 200:Theories Of Counseling Question Paper

Coun 200:Theories Of Counseling 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) What do you understand by the term theories of counseling (3marks)

b) Give a detailed account of the psychoanalytic theory of counseling under the following sub topics

i) View of human nature (6marks)

ii) Personality development (6marks)

iii) The structure of personality (6marks)

c) Discuss briefly on the importance of learning counseling theories for a counselor (4marks) d) No theory is comprehensive enough in dealing with human complexities. Discuss this statement based on your understanding of eclecticism and integration. (5marks)

Question 2

Behavioral counselors concentrate on the observable behavior in accounting for mal adaptivity of a person. Discuss this statement showing how a behavioral counselor can borrow from other approaches in order to be effective in counseling. (15marks)

Question 3

a) The person centered view of human nature is grounded on the assumption the people have the tendency to develop in a positive and constructive manner if a climate of respect and trust is established. Discuss this statement as you emphasize on the characteristics of a counselor. (10marks)

b) What are the limitations of the client centered theory? (5marks)

Question 4

a) Discuss the family systems theory to counseling (5marks)

b) Describe in detail the five stages of intervention in family counseling. (10marks)

Question 5

a) Consider the eight steps of reality therapy. How can you apply them in counseling? (12marks) b) Reality therapy emphasizes discussing what clients are doing their current behavior rather than what they are thinking or feeling. What do you think of this emphasis in counseling? (3marks)

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