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Nrsg 424:Trauma &Amp; Emergency Nursing Question Paper

Nrsg 424:Trauma &Amp; Emergency Nursing 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


UNIT CODE : NRSG 466/424


Answer all the questions
Follow the instructions in each section
For long answer questions, write them on a separate sheet of the booklet provided.

SECTION A (MCQs) (1 mark each)

Question One

A complication of diabetes ketoacidosis includes.

Cerebral oedema
Severe vomiting
Hyper ventilation

Question Two

An assessment finding in patients with status asthmatics is

Facial Oedema
Nasal flaming
Cushmal breaths
Full and bounding pulse

Question Three

In setting priorities in the management of trauma the primary survey includes

Establish a patent line to administer drugs
Establish a patent airway
Shout to arouse the patent
Administration of drugs.

Question Four

In advanced life support in emergency nursing, defibrillation of the heart is indicated.

After cardiac massage
When all efforts of resuscitation have failed
After administration of drugs of resuscitation.
To strengthen a weak heart

Question Five

Diagnostic investigations of myocardial infarction includes

Blood sugar levels
Haemoglobin levels
Cardiac enzymes
Stool for culture and sensitivity

Question Six

A common assessment finding in abused victims (elderly patients) is?

Poor gait
Poor judgement

Question Seven

Hypovolaemic shock may be caused by

Inflammation or sepsis
Excessive fluid intake
Prolonged standing
Insect bites

Question Eight

An essential diagnostic laboratory test in head injuries includes

Serum electrolytes
Cardiac enzymes
CT scan
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Question Nine

A risk factor to metabolic acidosis is?


Question Ten

Respiratory alkalosis may be caused by

Renal failure

Question Eleven

In management of food poisoning, the key to treatment is

Collect all the specimens from gastric contents for examination
Initiate immediate vomiting
Assess fluid and electrolyte imbalances
Determine the source and type of food poisoning

Question Twelve

Obstructive shock may arise from the following condition

Pulmonary hypertension
Barbiturate poisoning

Question Thirteen

The following is observed in the emergency management of burns except.

Avoid removal of burned clothing
Fluid replacement is urgent.
Break the blisters to release retained fluids.
Secure the wound to prevent infections.

Question Fourteen

In order of priority, the second drug administered during resuscitation is

Calcium gluconate
Sodium bicarbonate

Question Fifteen

A cause of epitasis includes

Oedema of the nasal mucosa
Nasal polyps
Picking of the nose
Nasal septum deviation

Write true of false ( mark each)

Question Sixteen

In management of parents with fructure of skull, elevate the foot of the bed at 45o.
The first steps undertaken in the management of a patient needing life support is to administer intracradial drugs.

Question Seventeen

The main aim of assessing the percentage of burns is to check the amount of skin loss (T/F)
An adult is likely not to survive after attaining 10% burns (T/F)

Question Eighteen

In emergency nursing, cardiac stand still is an indication of severe shock (T/F)
A priority applied on the site of mass road traffic accident is to secure the site by controlling traffic (T/F)

Question Nineteen

In general management of shock, it is advisable to encourage sitting up position (T/F)
Excess of alcohol intake may cause stupor. (T/F)

Question Twenty

A telectasis may be a cause of respiratory acidosis (T/F)
The drug atropine is indicated in a trial fibrillation during resuscitation. (T/F)

SECTION B (40 Marks)

Question One
Explain the sifgnificance of "colour codes" is field image. (8 marks)

Question Two
Explain six messages that can be effectively used in prevention of road traffic accidents in Kenya. (6 marks)

Question Three
Describe the management of an abused victim domestic violence in the emergency elepotive (8 marks)

Question Four
State five initial steps undertaken by the emergency nurse in management of a food poisoned patient. (5 marks)

Question Five
Describe the management of a patient with epitasis in the emergency department till the bleeding is controlled. (8 marks)

Question Six
Explain five roles of an emergency nurse in the emergency department. (5 marks)


Question One

Ezra is presented in the emergency department with status asthmaticus

List four diagnostic findings likely to confirm the diagnosis of Ezra.

(2 marks)

Explain six clinical manifestations of severe asthmatic attack.

(6 marks)

Describe the management of Ezra while in the emergency department till asthmatic attack is controlled.

(10 marks)

State two complications that may develop following an attack of Asthma.

(2 marks)

Question Two

Mr. Seli is presented in the emergency department unconscious following alleged alcohol intoxication.

Differentiate alcohol abuse from substance abuse.

(2 marks)

State four priorities that must be observed in the management of Mr. Seli at initial conduct in the emergency department.

(4 marks)

Describe the collaborative management of Mr. Seli till reversal from intoxication and subsequent care till discharge.

(8 marks)

State six measures that can be used by the Kenya government in control of alcohol abuse.

(6 marks)

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