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Nrsg 330:Community 2 Question Paper

Nrsg 330:Community 2 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Answer ALL Questions in ALL Sections 2. Write your University ID on ALL scripts 3. Use only blue, black ball point or ink


Question 1

Integrated health services have the following advantages except

a) Encourage utilization of services because of convenience to clientele

b) Saving clients time at the set up

c) Minimum staffing to reduce the cost of running

d) Allows for intergration of knowledge by health workers thereby developing skills.

Question 2

The 3 levels of prevention in public health are tied to specific stages in the

a) Epidemiological triad

b) Web causation

c) Natural history of disease

d) Surveillance

For Question 3-6 indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 3

Intra-uterine devices include

a) Estrogen and progestin mucus, levonorgestrel

b) Paraguard, progestesort levanogestral

c) Progestinia, Copper T 380, Lippes loop

d) Cervical cap, Mirena progestin minis

Question 4

Concerning the rural health concept.

a) All community’s must have health care delivered in a standard way.

b) 4-10 dispensaries are included in each units

c) A health committee with community representation must be set up.

d) Each unit is guided by the number of clients it serves.

Question 5

In monitoring the under five child

a) Weight gain at one year is double the birth weight.

b) A malnourished child may not display weight loss.

c) The mid arm circumference is likely not to vary till 5 years

d) Height should be taken at each visit.

Question 6

Concerning epidemiology in community health nursing practice

a) Rates whose denominators are total population include age specific and cause specific death rates.

b) Numerator data includes births and deaths

c) Prevalence data is determined by disease states

d) Official vital statistics come from certificates of births, deaths and marriage.(10marks)

SECTION B (Short Answer Questions)

Question 1

Explain the 3 components of community Health Nursing as defiled by WHO (6marks)

Question 2

Health promotion can be impacted by the health belief model. Explain this statement.(8marks)

Question 3

State five roles of the community health nurse. (5marks)

Question 4

State 5 roles of the District Health Management Board. (5marks)

Question 5

State the stages of community diagnosis. (5marks)

Question 6

Explain any 4 principles that govern the practice of the community health nurse. (8marks)

SECTION C (long Answer Questions)

Question 1

Primary Health care at the community level may be best implemented through community based care.

a) Discuss. (14marks)

b) Explain how any 2 millenium development goals are addressed through the primary health care model. (6marks)

Question 2

Family planning services in Kenya have been constrained by a number of factors

a) State 5 factors that have contributed to this constrain (5marks)

b) Describe how the factors in (a) above can be mitigated. (15marks)

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