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Hsci 103:Nutrition Health  Question Paper

Hsci 103:Nutrition Health  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




Write the correct answer on the answer booklet provided

Question one

A Client with heart failure is put on dioxin. What would a nurse expect to find
when evaluating for therapeutic effectiveness of this drug.

Diaphoresis with decreased urinary output
Increased heart rate with increased respirations
Improve respiratory status and increased urinary output
Decreased chest pain and decreased blood pressure

Question Two

A client is being maintained on heparin therapy for deep vein thrombosis. The
nurse must closely monitor which of the following priority laboratory values

a) Bleeding time
b Platelet count
c) Achvated PTT
d) Clotting

time 1

Question Three

While providing home care to a client with congestive heart failure, the nurse is
asked how long diuretics must be taken. What is the nurses best responses

"As you urinate more, you will need less medication to control fluid"
"you will have to take this medication for about a year"
"The medication must be continued so the fluid problem is controlled"
"Please talk to your healthcare provider about medication and treatments"

Question Four)

Although nosteroldal anti inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen are beneficial in
managing arthrictis pain, the nurse should caution clients about which of the
following common side effects

Urinary incontinence
Occult bleeding

Question Five

The nurse receives medication order to give a client iron by deep injection. The
nurse knows that the reason for this route is to

Enhance absorption of the medication
Ensure that the entire dose of medication is given
Provide more even distribution of the drug
d) Prevent the drug from tissue irritation

Question Six

Discharge instructions for a client taking alprozolam should include which of the

Sedative hypnotics are effective analgesics
Sudden cessation of aprozolam can cause rebound insomnia and nightmares’
Caffeine beverages can increase the effect of sedative hypnotics
Avoidance of excessive exercise and high temperature is recommended

Question Seven

The nurse is caring for a client with clinical depression who is receiving a
monoamine exidase inhibitor. When providing instructions about precautions with
this medication, which action should the nurse stress to the client as important

Avoid chocolate and cheese
Take frequent naps

Take medication with milk

Avoid walking without assistance

Question Eight

A client diagnosed with arrhosis of the liver and ascites is receiving spironolactione.
The nurse understands that this medication spares elimination of which elements
a) Sodium
b Potassium
c) Phosphate
d) Albumin

Question Nine

An antibiotic 1M injection for a two year old child is ordered. The total volume of
the injection equals 2.0ml. the correct action is to

Administer the medication in two’ separate injections
Give medications in the dorsal gluteal site
Call to get a smaller volume ordered
Check with pharmacy for liquid form of the medication

Question Ten

A client who’s is on a cough formula containing codeine sulphate is instructed to
self assess for

Rapid pulse
Excessive urination

Question Eleven

The nurse monitors for which of the following to determine whether a client taking
decussate sodium (colace) is havingtherapeutic effect form theim medication

Absence of abdominal pain
Itemalest negative stools
Reduction in steororrhea
Regular bowel movements

Question Twelve

For a client taking omeprazole (prilosec) the nurse would evaluate that the client is
receiving optimal intended effect of the medication if the client reports absence of
which of the following symptoms
a) Flatulence
b Diarrhea
c) Heartburn
d) Constipation

Question Thirteen

Administration of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE) leads to

Decreased bradykinin
Decreased cardiac performance
Decreased peripheral vascular resistance
Increased aldosterone levels

Question Fourteen

A nurse provides discharge instruction to a postoperative client who is taking
warfarin sodium (Coumadin). Which statement made by the client reflects the
need for further teaching?

"I will take ecotin centeric coated aspirin for my headaches because it is coated
"I will be certain to limit my alcohol consumption"
"I will take my pills everyday at the same time"
"I have already called my family to pick upa medic-alert bracelet"

Question Fifteen

A client with pre edamaspsia is on magnesium sulphate. The nurse should
discontinue the second dose of this drug if assessments findings reveal are of the

Respiratory rate of less than 16 beats per minute
Urinary output of 30ml per hour
Knee tendon reflex of +3
Blood pressure of 16011 00

Question Sixteen

A client with severe menopausal symptoms has been put on oestrogen hormone
replacement therapy. In teaching the client on side effects the nurse will include
all of the following except

That the patient may experience ma-stalgia
That the patient may experience some vaginal bleeding
That the patient may experience headache
That the patient may have an only skin and flare of acne

Question Seventeen

The nurse has given discharge instructions to parents of a child on phenytoin. Which of the following statements suggest that the teaching was effective?"

"we will call the health care provider if the child develops acne"
"Our child should brush and floor carefully after every meal"
"We will skip the next close if vomiting or fever occur"
"When our child is seizure- free for six months, we can stop the medication"

Question Eighteen

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) target which part of the brain

Basal ganglia
Frontal cortex

Question Nineteen

The appropriate nursing diagnosis for a client who is an antihypertensive includes one of the following

Ineffective coping
Altered self image
Risk for injury
Impaired nutritional intake

Question Twenty

Tetracylines are avoided in children under eight years of age and pregnant women because they man cause

Changes in bone structure of young children and pregnant women
Persistent vomiting when given to small children and pregnant women
Tooth enamel defects in children under eight years of age and in maturing infants
Low red blood cell production at times in their development


Question Twenty one

State four uses of ganadotrophin release agonists (4mks)

Question Twenty Two
State four causes of noncompliance by patients on ant tuberculosis therapy (4mks)

Question Twenty Three

Describe the discharge teaching advice given to client on the following





Question Twenty Four
State four nursing diagnoses for a client put on (4mks)

Question Twenty Five
State four indications of antidepressants (4mks)

Question Twenty Six

State four adverse effects of cancer chemotherapeutic agents (4mks)

Question Twenty Seven

Describe the nursing interventions for a client on regular heparin

Question Twenty Eight
State four factors that affect drug absorption (4mks)

Question Twenty Nine

Using specific examples describe the mechanism action of the following class of drugs

H2 receptor anagonists


B2 sympathomimetics



Question Thirty

Mr. Karanja admitted in the oncology ward has been receiving a course of anti cancer count of H6,000 cells/mm3 and absolute granulocyte count of 86cells/mm3

Describe the assessments findings that a nurse is likely to obtain


Describe the daily nursing monitoring and intervention that Karanja will receive during the course of his hospital his (12mks)
State four nursing diagnosis you would make on this client (4mks)

Question Thirty One

Jane a 50 year old female is admitted to the medical ward with chest pain. She comes with sublingual nitroglycerin their past medical history includes long day. The cardiologist starts her on nifedipine.

Brief describe the class and mechanism of action of nifedipine


State the assessments that must be made on Jane before using nifedipine


Describe the specific instruction you would give to Jane concerning taking nifedipine


State five adverse effects of nifedipine


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