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Dhsc 103:Nutrition Health Question Paper

Dhsc 103:Nutrition Health 

Course:Diploma In Clinic Medicine

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013





Question One
Briefly explain the different methods of assessing nutritional status in a community. (6marks)

Question Two
Nutritional intake in humans is assessed by FIVE different methods. Name them. (5marks)

Question Three
Outline the possible benefits of genetically modified foods. (5marks)

Question Four
Name the diseases associated with carbohydrate metabolism. (6marks)

Question Five
Outline factors associated with under nutrition. (5marks)

Question Six
Name etiology, symptoms and signs of niacin deficiency. (6marks)

Question Seven
Give the World Health classification of obesity. (5marks)

Question Eight
Write short notes on protein energy malnutrition. (8marks)

Question Nine
Name the nutritional benefits of Zinc. (6marks)

Question Ten
What are the functions of dietary fibre? (5marks)

SECTION B (Answer TWO Questions only)

Question One

Describe the clinical signs of vitamin A deficiency

Question Two

Explain the functions of essential fatty acids

Question Three

Describe the different types of lipoproteins and their clinical significance.


ALL Multiple choice Questions have one answer circle the correct answer.

Question One

The majority of carbohydrates in the diet should be:-
a) Insoluble fiber
b) Complex carbohydrates half of which are whole grains
c) Added sugar
d) Natural sugar.

Question Two

Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?
a) Fructose
b) Galactose
c) Glucose
d) Glycogen.

Question Three

Glycogen is made and stored in
a) The liver and muscles
b) All cells
c) Fat cells
d) Brain cells

Question Four

The human body has the enzymes needed to digest the all of the following except.
a) Sucrose
b) The alpha bonds in starch
c) The beta bonds in cellulose
d) Maltose.

Question Five

Which of the following foods in most likely to cause GL distress in a person who is lactose intolerant?
a) Yogurt
b) Cheese
c) Lactaid milk
d) Ice-cream

Question Six

Which of the following correctly matches a disaccharide to constituent

a) Sucrose = glucose – glucose
b) Maltose = glucose – fructose
c) Lactose = lactose – fructose

Question Seven

The brain`s preferred source of energy is:
a) Glucose
b) Fatty acids
c) Protein
d) Kentones

Question Eight

In response to low blood glucose lever ___________ meleases ____________
a) Pancreas: glucagon
b) Pancreas; insulin
c) Liver; bile
d) Small interstine; inslin

Question Nine

Type 1 diabetes is caused by
a) The body inability to make insulin
b) The lose of insulin receptors on cells
c) The inability to digest lactose
d) Weight gain.

Question Ten

Individuals with Type II diabetes
a) Are generally thin
b) Do not make any insulin
c) Have a reduced number of insulin receptor on their cells
d) Are unable to store glucose as glycogen.

Question Eleven

Health issues appear to be associated with all the following except:
a) Polyunsaturated fats
b) Trans fatty acids
c) Partially hydrogenated fats
d) Saturated fats

Question Twelve

Which of the following is the major function of phospholipids in the body?
a) They are a component of cell (plasma) membranes
b) Phosphopids are needed to transport cholesterol
c) They help lower cholesterol levels
d) Most act as hormones.

Question Thirteen

In order to be transported in the blood lipids are:
a) Converted into glucose
b) Attached to proteins to make lipo proteins
c) Carried to cells by insulin
d) Converted to glycerol

Question Fourteen

Which one of the following is associated with a high risk of cardiovascular disease?
a) A diet high in soluble fiber
b) A diet with low intake a saturated fats and cholesterol
c) A relatively high blood LDL level
d) A relatively high blood HDL level.

Question Fifteen

Functions of HDL cholesterol is to
a) Transport cholesterol to the cells for use.
b) Make athesclerotic plagues in the blood vessels
c) Transport cholesterol to the liver for break down and excretion
d) To serve as an energy source for brain cells.

Question Sixteen

Which of the following has not been shown to lower cholesterol levels?
a) Reduced intake of saturated fats and cholesterol
b) Increased intake of animal sources of fat
c) Increased intake of soluable fiber
d) Increased activity levels.

Question Seventeen

Children with protein energy malnutrition are more likely to suffer from infections and illness. This is as a result of fear inability to make:
a) Collagen
b) Hormones
c) Chemoglobin
d) Antibodies.

Question Eighteen

Which of the following is a primary function of protein in the body?
a) Source of energy
b) Growth and tissue building
c) Insulates protects organs

Question Nineteen

Many cancer patients are in negative nitrogen balance. This means they are:
a) Building body proteins
b) Healing and rebuilding body tissues
c) Breaking down more protein than they are making
d) Taking in too much protein

Question Twenty

Energy from the metabolism of energy nutrient is released as:
a) Heat
b) ATP
c) Water
d) CO2
e) Both A and B

Question Twenty One

Low density lipoproteins (LDL) are the principal transport vehicle for ______ in the blood.
a) Cholesterol
b) Phospholipids
c) Glucose
d) Triglycerides
e) Free fatty acids

Question Twenty two

The amin, niacin, and riboflavin work together in important biochemical pathways that
a) Release energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins
b) Control visual process

c) Synthesize collagen
d) Promote absorption of calcium.

Question Twenty Three

In order to reduce the possibility of developing on a low Kcalories diet, a weight loss diet should include an intake of:-
a) Protein at about twice RDA
b) 50% of total Kcalories as fat
c) 40grams of carbohydrates per meal
d) At least 150 grams of carbohydrates per day.

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