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Dcmp 112: Anatomy 1 Question Paper

Dcmp 112: Anatomy 1 

Course:Clinical Medicine & Surgery

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


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Question One
With a labeled diagram discuss the importance of skin as an organ .
(15 Marks)
Question Two
Name the various cells found in central nervous system and their functions.
(15 Marks)
Question One
Name the FIVE levels of organelles. (3 Marks)
Question One
Name the FIVE levels of organelles. (3 Marks)
Question Two
Name the primary tissue and their functions. (3 Marks)
Question Three
List the characteristics of a synovial joints. (3 Marks)
Question Four
What are the functions of connective tissue proper. (4 Marks
Question Five
The brain is organized into five distinct structures namely. (3 Marks)
Question Six
Numerate the functions of bone. (3 Marks)
Question Seven
List the muscles of chest and their functions. (2 Marks)
Question Eight
Write short notes on cartilage. (3 Marks)
Question Nine
List the embryonic germinal layers which rise to tissues. (3 Marks)
Question Ten
Write shorts notes on the functions of amniotic fluid.
Question One
Following is true about fertilization except
A Its normal site is ampulla of fallopian TUBE.
B It coincides with the completion of second meiotic division
C First polar body is liberated at the time of fertilization
D Sex is determined at the time of fertilization
E All the above statement are true
Question Two
Normal site of implantation is
A Body of the uterus
B Cervix of uterus
C Ovary
D Fallopian Tube
E None of the above
Question Three
A Blastocyst
B Unilaminar embryo
C Momula
D Unilaminar EmbryoE Untrue
Question Four
Muscles are attached to bones by;
A Fleshy attached
B Ligaments
C Tendon
D Cartilages
E Aponeurosis
Question Five
Non Keratimized stratified squamous epithelium are found on the following surfaces.
A Conjuctiva of the eye
B Vaginal lining
C Skin
D Large blood vessels
E Linings of the mouth
Question Six
The following are facial and neck muscles .
A Masseter
B Levator Anguli Oris
C Nasali’s
D Orbicularis Oris
E Diaphragm
Question Seven
The following is true for innoninate bone
A It is made up of four bones
B Made up of three bones
C Ilium ischium femur
D Is made of Ischium ilium and pubis
E Femur ischium ilium and pubis
Question Eight
Synovial fluid
A Nourishes structures within joint cavity
B Has phagocytes
C Lubricates
D Maintain joint stability
E None of the bone
Question Nine
The following are muscles of shoulder.
A Pectorailis major
B Subclavious
C Serratus anterior
D Piriformis
E Trapezius
Question Ten
The following is true for spinal cord
A Covered by meninges
B Ends at intervental disc between L2 and 4
C Ends at intervental disc between L1 and 2
D Begins at medulla oblongata and is continued within neural canal of
vertebral column.
E The spinal nerve has 33 pairs of nerves
Question Eleven
Myelin shealth of nerve fibres of central nervous system is formed by
A Schwann cells
B Astrocytes
C Oligodendrocystes
D Microglia
E Non of the above
Question Twelve
The following is true for hypothalamus.
A Has a centre regulating sleep and wakefulness cycles.
B Control enolverine system
C Is a centre for coordination and regulation of positive and movements
D Regulates body temperature
E Contains pineal gland
Question Thirteen
A Has proximal end with two articular condyles
B It has lesser and greater tronchanter
C It has an outer covering of vascular membrane.
D It has thick and stronger bone surface of human body
E Is longest and strongest bone of human body
Question Fourteen
The following are the main membrane covering internal body structures and cavities
A Nervous membrane
B Mucus membrane
C Serons membrane
D Skeletal membrane
E Synovial membrane
Question Fifteen
A typical vertebral has the following features.
A Transverse process with clinoid process
B Spinous process
C Laminae
D Vertebral foremen
E Body
Question Sixteen
Sterno cleadomastoid muscle.
A Muscles arises from manubarium of the Sternum
B Inserts into petrons portion of temporal bone
C Turns the head to the opposite side
D It’s is a muscle of the neck
C Helps in forced respiration.
Question Seventeen
Hormes that influence bone development are;
A Adrenal hormone
B Thyroxine
C Testosterone
D Gastin
C Calcitonin
Question Eighteen
The following statements are true
A Cerebral hemispheres has five lobes
B Spinal nerves are thirty in number
C Meninges do not cover the spinal cord.
D Intercostal nerves supply the intercostals muscles and give cutaneus
branches of skin
E The following are nerves plexuses, cervical brochial sacral plexus,
Ol factory.
Question Nineteen
A Olfactory nerve
B Auxilliary nerve
C Trigenurial nerve
D Gagus
E Sciatic nerve
Question Twenty
The knee joint is:
A Largest joint
B Most complex joint
C Hinge joint
D Offer all movement
E Allows inversion

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