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Dcmp 209 : Community Health Ii Question Paper

Dcmp 209 : Community Health Ii 

Course:Clinical Medicine & Surgery

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


This paper has THREE Sections. Answer ALL Questions in the THREE Sections
Answer each question by indicating T(time) for the correct response and F(false) for the incorrect response. Correct answer earns 1 Mark and Wrong answer attracts –(Negative) 1 Mark.
Question One
Stages of drug/substances use include the following;
Experimental use
Regular use
Personality disorders
Lack of insight
All the above
Question Two
Census as source of demographic data:
Is it most reliable
May be done by defacto method
Is usually regional based
May be affected by digit preference
All of the above.
Question Three
A disease risk factor is:
A condition/characteristic that makes an individual more likely to suffer the disease than others.
A factor making you take to much risk
A factor which causes the disease
A Characteristic whose a presence in an individual is likely to cause that disease.
None of the above.
Question Four
The following sampling method may requires a sampling frame
Simple random sampling
Cluster sampling
Stratified random sampling
Purposive sampling
Systematic sampling
Question Five
Host-specific disease factors in communicable disease include.
Physiologial state
Human behaviour
Economic status
The degree of virulence
Question Six
Risk of acquiring a disease can be measured by
Prevalence rate
Incidence rate
Absolute risk
Relative risk
Attributable risk
Question Seven
Concerning population growth curves.
In stage III, birth rates and death rates are low
In stage II, fertility rates are still high
Stage III represents incipient decline stage
Transitional growth is in stage IV
There is equilibrium in stage I & II
Question Eight
Matching is undertaken in case-control studies so that:
Variables known to influence the distribution of the disease under study are controlled for in both cases and comparison group.
The influence of variable matched may be studied
The results cannot be attributed to the influence of the matched variables.
To reduce cost of the study
The hypothesis can be tested.
Question Nine
In a cross-sectional study, it was found that people getting little physical exercise have higher prevalence rate of severe ulcers than those who got moderate or a lot of physical exercise. If the difference in rate is statistically significant, it can be concluded:
Lack of physical exercise cause severe ulcers
Lack of exercise protects against ulcers
Severe ulcers cause people to become physically inactive
All of the above
None of the above.
Question Ten
Epidemic refers to
A disease that is transmitted throughout the year.
An attack rate in excess of 100per 10000 population.
Annual case rate of 10 per 10,000 population.
A disease that has moderate occurrence rate in the commonly.
None of the above.
Question Eleven
The following are measures of mortality;
Incidence density
Attack rate
Maternal mortality rate
Maternal mortality ration
Five year survival rate
Question Twelve
In communicable disease;
Reservoir is always a living thing.
Escape level of the agent provide the most effective level to target preventive interventions.
Virulence of the agent does not determine the outcome of agent-host interactions.
Extrinsic incubation period is the time interval between initial invasion and onset of clinical symptoms.
Indirect disease transmission can be through an intermediate host.
Question Thirteen
Instruments of data elicitation in research include;
Recording schedule
Mystery clients
All the above
None of the above.
Question Fourteen
Biases in studies;
Include confounding
Include selection bias
Affect factor outcome relationship
Has no effect on factor-outcome relationship
Can be minimized through matching procedure
Question Fifteen
Methods of surveillance data collection includes the following
Enumeration of events
Physical examination
Admission/discharge interviews
Population census
Question Sixteen
Comprehensive disaster preparedness strategy
Is only effective for natural diseases
Does not involve hazard assessment
Is only possible at regional and international levels
Involve public rehearsals
Is not necessary in developed countries
Question Seventeen
A community’s fertility rate is
The number of fertile women per 1000 of the population.
The number of live births per 1000 of the population
The rate at which the fertility grows
The number of children born each year
The total population of women of reproductive age group
Question Eighteen
In descriptive studies
Cause-effect relationship is determined
Are usually very expensive
Statistical tests can be applied
Are the most suitable for acute diseases.
Long time is taken to complete the study
Question Nineteen
Contributing factors to drug abuse include the following
Family violence
All of the above
None of the above
Question Twenty
Determinants of family size does not include;
Age at first marriage
Coital frequency
Age at first sexual intercourse
Voluntary infecundity
Answer all the questions.
Question One
Define prevalence and incidence and show how the two relate to each other.
(5 Marks)
Question Two
Distinguish between determinants and interventions. (2 Marks)
Question Three
Gove FOUR criteria of suitability for a disease for secreening (4 Marks)
Question Four
Briefly explain the epidemiological triad. (5 Marks)
Question Five
The following demographic data was derived from a certain country in the year 2010.
Total Population 27,500,000
Total Annual livebirth 1,250,000
Total deaths in 2010 330,000
Total infant deaths in 2010 75,000
Total Number of woven aged 15-49 yrs 6,250,000
From the above data calculate
Question Five
Crude birth rate (2 Marks)

Question Six

Crude death rate (2 Marks)
Question Seven
Infant mortality rate (2 Marks)
Question Eight
General fertility rate (2 Marks)
Question Nine
How do the rates calculated compare to those of Kenya. (2 Marks)
Question Ten
List any FOUR measures of fertility. (2 Marks)
Answer all the questions
Question Eleven
Using malaria as an example, discuss the communicable disease process.
Question Twelve
Discuss strategies that can be applied to address drug and substance abuse among the Kenyan Youth.

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