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Medb 112: Basic Life Support Question Paper

Medb 112: Basic Life Support 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


Answer All questions only in the answer booklet provided
SECTION I: Multiple choice questions
Question one
The main functions of the skin include
Support, nourishment and sensation
Protection, sensory perception and temperature regulation
Fluid transport, sensory perception and aging regulation
Protection, motor response and filtration
Question Two
If you are alone on the scene of an accident an adult victim is unconscious, what should you do first
Go quickly to find someone nearby to help you
Stay with the victim and shout for help
Check the victim thoroughly to try to find out what is wrong
Perform CPR
Question Three
Care of an open fracture in which the bone is protruding from the body includes
Purposeful returning of the bone ends into the body
Avoiding splinting for fear of withdrawing the bone back into the body
Covering the bone and wound with sterile dressing prior to splinting
All of the above
Question Four
The preferred method for opening the airway of an unconscious victim who may have suffered a neck injury is
Head lift chain lift maneuver
Chain lift maneuver
Jaw thrust chin lift maneuver
Jaw thrust maneuver
Question Five
In acute cases of poisoning by ingestion, activated charcoal acts to reduce absorption of the substance by
Shortening the transit time through the gut
Inducing vomiting
Binding to the poison molecules
Increasing osmotic pressure of the intestinal contents
Question Six
The use of accessory muscles and nasal flaring are all sign of
Shallow breathing
Normal breathing
Noisy breathing
Labored breathing
Question Seven
A victim of dog bite may need
Rabies injection
Tetanus injection
All of the above
Question Eight
Indicate whether the following statements are true or false in the booklet provided
One should perform abdominal thrust on a conscious infant who is choking and cannot cry, cough or breath cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) should be initiated when the victim is not breathing
Patients have the right to refuse treatment and they should not be persuaded to accept care
An unconscious person who is breathing always has a pulse
There is no specific first aid treatment for burns to the airway
During inspiration the diaphragm relaxes
SECTION II: Short answer questions
Question One
List four types of open wounds (2mks)
Question Two
Explain the four conditions which must be present for disease transmission to occur form a victim of accident to a first aider (4mks)
Question Three
Explain four causes of unconsciousness
Discus the stages of primary survey in basic life support
Question Four
State four types of burns and their possible causes (4mks)
SECTION III: Long answer questions
Question One
Mr. Wanyohi has been involve in an incident and injury to the cervical spire is suspected
Describe the anatomical structures that provided protection to the spinal cord form injury
Explain four incidents that should alert a first aider to a possible spinal injury
Describe the management of Mr. Wanyohi who has sustained spinal injury
Question Two
Diana has accidentally slipped the knife while scaling fish and cut her hand deeply
(i) Define shock
(ii) Explain four conditions that cause shock apart from haemorrhage (4mks)
List six signs and symptoms of shock
State two aims of management of shock
Discuss the management of Diana who is a victim of shock in the context of basic life support

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