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Bacj 124:English For Journalists Question Paper

Bacj 124:English For Journalists 

Course:Communication And Journalism

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012




Answer five questions.
Questions one and two are compulsory.

Question One (Compulsory)

The story below has many errors. Read it and correct all the mistakes (20 Marks)

The head of the Kenya Uganda Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission is considering sending many applications to the High Court to have the treasurer of the City Council charged for with stealing money public from the council municipal.

The Commission chairperson, Mr. Kaka Singh, is unhappy that the treasure, although despite after receiving a letter to be appear before the court, neither responded nor sent in a representative to answer questions at the ongoing public hearing over allegations of stolen money from the city council.

The chairperson saying: ’All those suspicion of stole from the public must should be arrested and took to court to charge and conviction them to ending the vice":

Mr Singh unhappy that criminals culprits not punished so they did always also manipulate the system to make it good work for a few many lot of people.

The commission, at the beginning of this month, started investigation interrogation about the huge many sums of money amounting to Kshs.50 million taken stolen from the city council. It is estimated imagined that the scandal faith involved about 30 employees working under the treasurer and himself and others.

On Monday, the police prayed investigated some of the employees staff and took take away records from their offices. Some of the employees run away when the police go to their offices that day. Some later come back but refuse to talk to the police.

The treasurer refuse to give more information and he is the head of the department. So he can been saw to be involved in revealing hiding information required by the police for the prayer investigation.

Clerks, messengers and other person people working in the finance house office has been questioned interrogation by the police officers. Some were find with many money in their drowers. Police suspect the many money must stole from the collections made at the cash office. The moneys were taken as exhibition to be presentation to the court.

The Commission is not unhappy that many case of corruption and stealing public moneys go on but not investigation to get the doers to took them to court to answer of criminal charges.

The law prevention public officers from eating stole from the public resources but man don’t disobey that rule. Instead, they eat eat and eat and left the public coffers emptied without anything.

Unless until meek tough action is taken on those found guilty clean, misuse mistake of public resources continue.

Question Two
Use the facts below to write a news story of between 250 – 300 words. (20 Marks)

1. President Kibaki arrives at Nyayo Stadium at 10.30 am.

2. A group of protesters walking with placards written "Njaa! Njaa! Unga! Unga! Kazi! Kazi! Kazi! At 11.30 am.

3. Military parade conducts a match past at 10.45 am.

4. Police put a cordon around the presidential Dias.

5. A lot of noise comes from outside and police throw teargas canisters.

6. President Kibaki gives an address and promises to increase tax.

7. Protest in the streets and shops looted at 2 pm.

Question Three
Revise the following sentences to make them clearer and sensible. (10 Marks)

1. For Matibo, money seems to grow on trees, but also goes down the drain.

2. When children need glasses causes them to make mistakes in reading and writing.

3. Because Fatuma is so small explains the difficulty she has finding clothes that fit her.

4. Could anyone be certain Wasike resigned or where did he find a better job.

5. When people really try avoiding hurting people means they have compassion.

6. By selecting the judges from both parties, the decisions are likely to give general satisfaction.

7. The meeting was adjourned by standing and repeating the pledge.

8. The students closed their books and hurry away to the field.

9. Kuria likes fishing but hunting is also liked by him.

10. The increase in tuition discouraged students which seemed unreasonably high.

Question Four
Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition. (10 Marks)

1. There are many advantages ________being able to speak a foreign language.

2. When Makau left home, his attitude ________his parents seemed to change.

3. The company has rejected the workers’ demands ______ a rise _____ pay.

4. There was a sharp increase ________ property prices in Nairobi in recent years.

5. How long does it take to cross River Tana __________boat?

6. Who is that man standing _______________ the window?

7. We drove along the main road for about two kilometers and then turned _________ a narrow bend.

8. My home town is not an especially interesting. It is not famous ________ anything.

9. Maria is a very honest person. I don’t think she’s capable ________ telling a lie.

10. Njambi warned me ___________ the water. She said it wasn’t safe to drink.

Question Five
Complete each of the sentences using a phrasal verb that means the same as the words in brackets. (10 Marks)

1. The story Dinda told us wasn’t true. He __________ (invented it)

2. I’m sorry I’m late. The meeting _________ later than I expected. (continued)

3. The music at the restaurant is too loud. I can’t _________ any longer (tolerate it)

4. A number of buildings a long Jogoo Road are going to ________ to make way for the new road. (demolished)

5. After working together for five years, they’ve decided __________ (separate)

6. Munene finally ______________ nearly an hour late. (arrived)

7. We don’t have a lot of money, but we have enough to _______. (manage)

8. A bomb _________ near the station, but no one was injured. (exploded)

9. Children under 16 ________ half of the population in Nairobi.(compromise)

10. I was very tired and ________ in front of the television (fall asleep)

Question Six
Choose the correct phrase to complete the gaps provided. (10 Marks)

1. Collins told me about his new job, ____________very much.

That he’s enjoying.
He’s enjoying.
Which he’s enjoying.
He’s enjoying it.

2. Tala __________. She left last week.

Still doesn’t work here.
Doesn’t still work here.
No more works here.
Doesn’t work here any more.

3. The movie was really boring. It was __________ I’ve ever seen.

Most boring.
The more boring movie.
The most boring movie.
The movie most boring.

4. The exam was fairly easy ___________; I expected.

More easy that.
More easy than.
Easier than.
Easier as.

5. What is the name of the person ____________?

You borrowed his car.
Which car you borrowed.
Whose car you borrowed.
His car you borrowed.

6. Matiangi likes walking. _______________

Every morning he walks to work.
He walks to work every morning.
He walks every morning to work.
He every morning walks to work.

7. Nyanja’s French is excellent. He speaks ____________.

Perfectly French.
French perfectly.
Perfect French.
French perfect.

8. Midway showed me some pictures ____________ by his uncle.

That were painted.
They were painted.

9. Ndisa was carrying a ___________ bag.

Black small plastic.
Small and black plastic.
Small black plastic.
Plastic small black.

10. The more electricity you use, _______________.

Your bill will be higher.
Will be higher your bill.
The higher your bill will be.
Higher your bill will be

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