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Bbit 315:Ict Project Management Question Paper

Bbit 315:Ict Project Management 

Course:Computer Science

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012




Attempt question one and any other two questions.

Question One

The sales departments in your company, who have their own in-house sales system, are being relocated to new offices where they will also have a new server-based sales database system. The IT section has set out an outline plan for the IT aspects of the move with a main task (with estimated durations in weeks).

A Order and deliver the new data base system and server 4
B Design and install the network infrastructure 7
C Order, deliver and install new PCs, printer 9
D Test the database system, network, server 3
E Test the PCs with server and network 2
F Copy existing sales data to the new database 1
G Copy other existing PC software 3
H Test all software and database 1
I Train users

Tasks A, B and C can be undertaken at the same time but A and B must be completed before D can start. Tasks C and D must be completed before E can begin. E must be completed before F and G can start. F and G can be undertaken at the same time but both must be completed before H can start. I must follow H.

Draw a network diagram (Activity-on-Node) for this project, showing (on the diagram) the earliest and the latest dates, the earliest and latest finish dates, duration and float for the task.

(11 Marks)

Draw a Grant chart for the same project tasks, showing each of these tasks, all dependencies and each task’s duration.

(5 marks)

Highlight the critical path on each diagram.

(1 Mark)

List and explain four key skills that a project manager should have.

(8 marks)

Define the word stakeholder in relation to an IT development project. Why is it important to involve them in the project?

(5 Marks)

Question Two

Explain the concept of risk, distinguishing between project risk and business risk.

(6 Marks)

Assuming that XYZ decide to implement the supply chain management application by acquiring a off-the –shelf application, discuss:

Three business risks and three project risks that XYZ would need to consider.

(12 marks)

The actions that might be taken to deal with the three project risks.

(2 Marks)

Question Three

A large distribution company is expanding rapidly, with much longer number of stock items and customers. The stock system will soon become inadequate and therefore, needs to be replaced. The development of the replacement system will be outsources to a well known software house as a separate project and is expected to take 9 moths:

Name and explain two financial measures that could be used by the company management to assess the viability of this project when the business case is drawn up.

(4 Marks)

In addition to the two financial measures described in (i) , name and explain three non-financial justifications for the project that could be included in this business case.

(6 Marks)

Identify and describe six of the major types of activity that would be carried out in a software development project highlighting those in which the eventual users should be involved and explaining how.

(10 marks)

Question Four

A new project is planned for the long moths and there is a need to hire new staff. Break down the process of hiring staff (from the initial decision to hire new staff to the point where newly hired staff are making contributions to a team into five key steps and describe each one of them.

(15 Marks)

Identify the specific skills sought in a programe.

(5 Marks)

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