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Bhtm 214:Business Communication Question Paper

Bhtm 214:Business Communication 

Course:Hospitality & Tourism

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013



Instructions: Answer any FOUR Questions in the Answer Booklet Provided.

Question One

With examples, clearly outline the communication model.

(9 Marks)

Business messages are most effective if the right medium is used to communicate them. What should be put into consideration before selecting the medium of business communication.

(6 Marks)

Question Two

Correct the content, word choice, grammar, and punctuation errors in the following message. Format it as a memo to Rachel Martins from Author Koki. Data the memo September 10; create an appropriate subject line. Send a copy to the night shift leader.

You’re transfer to the knight shift has been approved. I am sure you will injoy working with Jenny Noel; your new shaft leader. As shown on the attached schedule, you will begin working the night shift. (Midnight to 8 .am) on Monday October 2. Please continue working the day shift eight to for) thru Friday, September 29th.
Rachel, you is an asset to our co, and we are pleased to make this change to assist you in improving your child-care arrangement. (15 Marks)

Question Three

Rewrite each of the following sentences to eliminate bias.

For an Indian, Maggie certainly is outgoing:
He needs a wheelchair, but he doesn’t let his handicap affect his job performance.
A pilot must have the ability to stay calm under pressure, and then he must be trained to cope with any problem that arises.
Candidate Renata Okioma, married and the mother of a teenager will attend the debate.

Senior citizen Sam Ngethu is still an active salesman.

(5 Marks)

Add transitions to the following sentences to improve the flow of idea(NB. You may need to eliminate or add some words to smooth out the sentences).

Steve Barasa saw infinite possibilities for the internet. Steve Barasa was determined to turn his vision into reality. The techies scoffed at his strategy dogge dlg pursued his dream. He analysed other online services. He assessed the needs of his customers. He responded to their desires for an easier way to access information over the internet. In 1992, Steve Barasa named his company Kenya Online (KOL). Critics predicted the company’s demise. By the end of the century, KOL was a Profitable powerhouse. KOL grew so big that it was able to merge with the giant traditional media company voice of Kenya. The merger was widely criticized. The merger did not live up to Barasa’s to Barasa’s expectations. He eventually left the company. (10 Marks)

Question Four
Outline and explain the FIVE basic steps in conducting Research. (15 Marks)

Question Five
You have decided to accept a new position with a competitor of your company. Write a letter of resignation to your supervisor, announcing your decision.
(15 Marks)

Question Six
Credibility is an essential component that determines how your audiences react to your messages. How to do you build, maintain or repair your credibility. (15 Marks)

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