Cisy 403:Simulation And Modelling Question Paper
Cisy 403:Simulation And Modelling
Course:Computer Science
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2010
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) in Section A and any Other TWO Questions in Section B
Question 1
a) Why do we use random numbers in simulation (3marks)
b) What are the advantages for using simulation other than experimenting with real life systems? (5marks)
c) What is a seed, and what are its advantages in simulation (3marks)
d) Differentiate between the following
i) pseudo-random numbers and random numbers (1mark)
ii) endogenous and exogenous variables (2marks)
e) What does it mean when a queue system is stable (3marks)
d) In a queue system, given that L denote the number of customers in the system, ? denotes the arrival rate ,µ denote service rate, W denotes the waiting time in the system, Lq and Wq denotes the number of customers in the queue and waiting time in the queue respectively. Give expressions that represent
i) L in terms of ? and W (1mark)
ii) Lq in terms of ? and Wq (1mark)
iii) W in terms of Wq and µ (2marks)
iv) L in terms of ? and µ (2marks)
e) What are the desired properties of a good random numbers generator (4marks)
f) Name any three statistical tests for randomness (3marks)
Question 2
a) Discuss the random number generators commonly is use (6marks)
b) Briefly discuss the different kinds of simulations (6marks)
c) Write statements (algorithm) in MATLAB on how to simulate unfair coin, with probability of getting a head as 0.6 100 times and record the resulting number of heads and tails (4marks)
d) Discuss any two statistical techniques used to test for randomness when pseudo-random numbers are generated (4marks)
Question 3
a) What does a M/M/1 model represent? (1mark)
b) Discuss the different types of systems and their corresponding reliabilities of performance (9marks)
c) Differentiate between logical and physical models (4marks)
d) i) What are the areas different in simulation languages (3marks) ii) What are the standard capabilities (3marks)
Question 4
a) There are ten people in an office of which any one of them can talk on his/her phones any minute with a probability of 0.7 any minute. Write statements to simulate this situation and identify the number of people who will be on phone between 9.00 am to 9.30 am (5marks)
b) Explain how a simple discrete event model can be constructed in MATLAB (15marks)
Question 5
Consider a bank where arrivals follows a poison process with mean arrival rate of 5.1 Customers per hour, service time are exponential with mean time of 10 minutes.
i) Compute the measures of performance. (16marks)
ii) What is the probability that the number of customers in the shop exceeds three? (2marks)
iii) What percentage of customers goes directly to service? (2marks)
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