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Hsmu 131:Epidemiology And Demography Question Paper

Hsmu 131:Epidemiology And Demography 

Course:Bachelor Of Medicine And Bachelor Of Surgery

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Answer ALL Questions in Section A and TWO in Section B 2. Write your University ID on ALL scripts 3. Use only blue, black ball point or ink


Question 1

What do you understand by the following terms

a) Relative risk (2marks)

b) Odds ratio (2marks)

c) Sensitivity (2marks)

d) Specificity (2marks)

e) False- positive rate (2marks)

f) False – negative rate (2marks)

Question 2

How does knowing the natural history of an infectious disease help in the control of its epidemics and its spread (5marks)

Question 3

i) What is population decline and what factors bring it on (5marks)

ii) Describe concisely the steps taken in making a simple random sample (5marks)

iii) List 5 of the most important sources of epidemiological data in Kenya and describe the type and use of data generated therein (5marks)

Question 4

What do you understand by the term epidemiology (5marks)

Question 5

What are the determinants of disease occurrence in a population (5marks)

Question 6

List all the steps (chronologically) that need to be followed when investigating an outbreak of a communicable disease (8marks)


Question 7

In one paragraph for each, define and describe:-

a) Epidemiology (5marks)

b) Demography (5marks)

c) Disease surveillance (5marks)

d) The Malthusian population theory/population model (5marks)

e) Natural history of a disease (5marks)

Question 8

By use of an illustration, describe the following epidemiological study designs highlighting the advantages and disadvantages

a) Cohort study design (7marks)

b) Experimental study design (10marks)

c) Cross sectional study design (8marks)

Question 9

a) In a town with a population of 10,000 people, 40 new cases of cholera occurred in January ‘2009 and 84 cases in 2010, in the months of June, July and August. Calculate month morbidity rate in 2009 and 2010 (3marks)

b) There were 90 motor accidents in Kisumu town with a population of 138,000 in the year 2010. Calculate the incidence rate of accidents (2marks)

c) Tuberculosis survey was done in Kibera town with 41,208 population. It was found that 60 cases were radiological positive while 16 were sputum positive. Calculate the prevalence rate of sputum positive cases at the time of survey (5marks).

d) If 30 cases of diabetes mellitus were found in 50,000 population in a particular year, calculate the prevalence rate (3marks).

e) In 2009, the mid-year population of Kenya was 40 million and the total deaths were 700,000. Calculate the death rate for this year (3marks).

f) In Kakamega town with a population of 200,000, there were 8,000 births and 800 infant deaths in the year 2009. Of these 320 infants died in the first 28 days of life and 160 of them died in the first week of life. There were 440 still births in the same year. Calculate infant mortality rate, perinatal, neonatal and post-neonatal mortality rates (9marks).

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