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Hsmu 111:Communication Skills For Health Care Question Paper

Hsmu 111:Communication Skills For Health Care 

Course:Medical Laboratory

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Answer ALL Questions in Section A and TWO in Section B 2. Write your University ID on ALL scripts 3. Use only blue, black ball point or ink


Question 1

a) Define Communication as used in Health Care. (2marks)

b) State THREE reasons for daily interpersonal communication in Health Care. (2marks)

Question 2

a) State TWO reasons why Communication is important in Health Care. (2marks)

b) Explain THREE major components in Communication in Health Care. (3marks)

Question 3

With relevant examples, state THREE barriers of communication in Health care. (5marks)

Question 4

With relevant examples, state THREE characteristics of Communication in Health Care. (5marks)

Question 5

Explain the culture model of Communication as used in Health Care. (5marks)

Question 6

a) Define the term non-verbal Communication. (2marks)

b) With relevant examples state THREE forms of non-verbal communication. (3marks)

Question 7

a) Define the term group (2marks)

b) With relevant examples, state THREE criteria’s for a group in Health Care. (3marks)

Question 8

a) State 2 masons as to why its important for Health Care students to learn group discussion skills. (2marks)

b) Define task-oriented group discussion. (3marks)

Question 9

a) State TWO characteristics of an Authoritarian leader in Health Care.

b) State THREE advantages of groups in Health Care. (3marks)

Question 10 a) State any two types of business communication in Health care. (2marks)

b) State THREE major considerations you would make while planning to make a good oral presentation. (3marks)


Question 11

You have been invited as the Health Systems Manager or Community Health expert to speak to the students of Chervoyet High School on a topic of your expertise. Explain with relevant examples, how you would use public speaking and presentation skills to prepare and present your talk.(25marks)

Question 12

You have been appointed the chair of the District Hospital, explain how you would prepare for manage and end a professional staff meeting of all the Heads of Department in the Hospital.(25marks)

Question 13

With relevant examples, discuss how you would communicate professionally to numbers of staff and other linkages and networks in your Health Facility. (25marks)

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