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Hsmu 111:Communication Skills For Health Care Question Paper

Hsmu 111:Communication Skills For Health Care 

Course:Health Management System

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Answer ALL Questions in Section A and TWO in Section B 2. Write your University ID on ALL scripts 3. Use only blue, black ball point or ink


Question 1

a) Define communication as used in Healthcare (2marks)

b) State the importance of Communication among Health professionals (3marks)

Question 2

a) Explain the meaning of verbal communication, as used in Health care. (2marks)

b) Citing examples, state THREE forms of verbal communications used in Health Care (2marks)

Question 3

a) Define formal Communications in Health Care (2marks)

b) Explain some important factors you would consider in writing a formal letter (3marks)

Question 4

a) Define is electronic communication (2marks)

b) State some of the factors you would consider in using electronic Communication in Health Care. (3marks)

Question 5

a) Differentiate between Public Speaking and Interpersonal speaking (2marks)

b) State factors that you would consider in controlling fright in Public speaking (3marks)

Question 6

a) Explain how technology has influenced communication in Health care (2marks)

b) State how perception impacts on Communication in Health Care. (3marks)

Question 7

a) Define Business communication in Health care (2marks)

b) Describe THREE factors that would promote effective in face to face communication in health care settings. (3marks)

Question 8

a) Define the term interview as used in communication (2marks)

b) Define active listening as used in Health Care (3marks)

Question 9

Distinguish between a task-oriented group discussion and a long-term group discussion as used in Health care. (5marks)

Question 10

Giving examples, define the following terms in Communication in Health Care.

a) Asking questions (2marks)

b) Seeking Clarification (3marks)


Question 11

You have been posted as the new health systems Manager of Kaptabuk Health Centre. You have realized that you will need to hold a staff meeting in order to make new changes in the operational structure and functioning of the facility.

a) Write a memo to the members whom you have chosen to attend the meeting. (10marks)

b) Explain how you as the chair will prepare and manage the staff meeting to the end

(15marks) Question 12

You have been identified by the Machakos Health facility as the secretary to the Board of Directors.

a) Write a formal letter to the sponsors in Britain, to express the need of more staff members` in the facility (10marks)

b) Write a progress report to the sponsors on the development of the facility (15marks)

Question 13

You have been identified by the School Board of Governors of your neighboring secondary school, as a Health professional, to speak to the students on issues of drugs. Outline the steps you would use in

a) Preparation of the talk (10marks)

b) Presentation of the talk (15marks)

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