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Hsmg 514:Health Information Management Systems Question Paper

Hsmg 514:Health Information Management Systems 

Course:Health Management System

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Answer ALL Questions in Section A and TWO in Section B 2. Write your University ID on ALL scripts 3. Use only blue, black ball point or ink


Question 1

a) Explain the importance of systems approach in Health Information Management Systems. (5marks) b) Explain the boundaries of Health information Management systems. (3marks)

c) Differentiate between data and information. (2marks)

Question 2

a) Explain how data can be a strategic resource in any health organization. (2marks)

b) Explain the different stages and processes data must undergo in order for the health organization to utilize it objectively. (8marks)

Question 3

a) Evaluates effect of electronic health records on health care organizations (5marks)

b) Explain any five (5) important attributes of Electronic Health Vendors. (5marks)

Question 4

a) Explain any five (5) hazards resulting from lack of confidentiality and poor security of information. (5marks)

b) Describe any five (5) security measures you would put in place to ensure data security and confidentiality. (5marks)

Question 5

Explain how you would apply any five (5) principles of ICT assets in a sub-district hospital in Makueni District. (10marks)


Long Answer Questions

Question 6

Mr. Mjuaji has worked for a long period of time in the outpatient department of the National referral Hospital. So deep is our trust of our own experiences and judgments that he feels he does not need collect any data so as to make decisions. a) Explain how you would deal with any five (5) barriers to information seeking within organizations. (15marks)

b) According to recent data most decision makers commit some type of error in processing information. Explain ten most dangerous decision traps health managers make. (10marks)

Question 7

The simuli county is implemented a computerized systems which includes Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) and Clinical decision

a) Describe CPOE (1mark)

b) Describe how you would deal with any eight (7) complications of this system. (14marks)

c) Explain five (5) characteristics of Decision Support tools which would make them more acceptable and effective to use. (10marks)

Question 8

Moti is a national referral hospital based in Rwanda, part of its strategic Plan involves developing Health Information Management System. They have contracted you as a consultant in meeting this objective. Describe the process you would follow while carrying out this task. (25marks)

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