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Hsci 108:Physiology 1 Question Paper

Hsci 108:Physiology 1 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Answer ALL Questions 2. Write your University ID on ALL scripts 3. Use only blue, black ball point or ink

• Answer all questions in the booklet provided • In Section A (MCQs) Indicate against the correct answer with a tick ( ) and the incorrect one with cross (x) • Each correct answer earns one (1) mark • Answer all Questions in Section B and C


Question 1

A person with group B blood:

a) Has anti-B blood in the plasma

b) May have the genotype AB

c) May have a parent with group O blood

d) May have children with only B or O group blood

e) Whose partner is also B must have children of group B or O (5marks)

Question 2


a) Originate from precursor cells in lymph nodes

b) Are phagocytic

c) Migrate from the blood into the tissues

d) Can transform into tissue macrophages

e) Manufacture immunoglobin M. (5marks)

Question 3

Human Plasma Albumin:

a) Makes a greater contribution to the colloid osmotic pressure of plasma that does globulin

b) Is freely filtered at the renal glomerulus

c) Behaves as an anion at the normal pH of blood

d) Contributes to the carriage of carbon dioxide in blood

e) Is major transporter in blood (5marks)

Question 4


a) Are all proteins

b) Are absent in early fetal life

c) Are produced at a greater rate in response to the first than to a second exposure (six weeks later) to an antigen

d) Which circulate as free immunologlobulins are produced mainly by B lymphocytes.

e) At a titre of 1 in 8 are present in greater concentration than when the titre is 1in 4 (5marks)

Question 5

Extracellular fluid differs from intracellular fluid in that:

a) It has a greater volume

b) It has a lower tonicity

c) Its anions are many inorganic

d) It has a higher sodium/potassium molar ratio

e) Its pH is lower (5marks)

Question 6


a) Constitute 1-2% of circulating white cells

b) Are motile

c) Can transform in to plasma cells

d) Decrease markedly in number with removal of the adult thymus

e) Are decreased in number by immunosuppressive drugs. (5marks)

Question 7

An appropriate dilution indicator for measuring:

a) Total body water would be sucrose

b) Plasma volume would be radioactive sodium

c) Extracellular volume would be inulin

d) Intracellular volume directly would be heavy water (deuterium oxide).

e) Total body potassium would be radioactive potassium. (5marks)

Question 8

Rejection of a transplanted organ is made less likely by:

a) Treatment which reduces the blood lymphocyte count

b) Keeping the recipient in a germ-free environment

c) Irradiation of the transplanted organ with x-rays

d) Drugs which interfere with mitosis

e) Tissue type matching of donor and recipient (5marks)

Question 9

Fainting or syncope:

a) Causes loss of consciousness due to cerebral ischaemia

b) May be cerebral in origin

c) May be cardiac in origin

d) Is more likely in a cold than in a hot environment

e) Results from sympathetic vasoconstriction in skeletal muscle (5marks)

Question 10

Pulmonary surfactant increases

a) The surface tension of the alveolar fluid

b) Pulmonary compliance

c) In effectiveness as the lungs are inflated

d) In amount when pulmonary blood flow is interrupted (5mark)

e) In amount in the fetus during the last month of pregnancy

Question 11

Smooth muscle in the respiratory tract contracts in response to:

a) Irritation of the bronchial mucosa

b) Stimulation of local beta adrenoceptors

c) A decreased local carbon dioxide pressure

d) A cold stimulus

e) Circulating adrenaline (5marks)

Question 12

Vital Capacity is:

a) The volume of air expired from full inspiration to full expiration

b) Increased with ageing from 20 to 70 years

c) Greater in men than in women of the same age and height

d) Related more to total mass than to lean body mass

e) The sum of the inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes (5marks)

Question 13

The cells of the liver can:

a) Convert amino acids into glucose

b) Store iron

c) Inactive certain toxins derived from food

d) Inactivate certain drugs

e) Inactivate certain hormones by conjugation (5marks)

Question 14

Plasma cholesterol:

a) Level depends mainly on dietary cholesterol intake

b) Level increases as dietary saturated fat increases

c) Is eliminated from the body mainly by metabolic breakdown

d) Is closely related chemically to the bile pigments

e) Is a precursor of adrenal cortical hormones (5marks)

Question 15

The electroencephalogram:

a) Provides an indication of intelligence

b) Shows waves of smaller amplitude during sleep than wakefulness

c) Shows waves of lower frequency during sleep than during wakefulness

d) Has a higher voltage than the electrocardiogram

e) Is normally bilaterally symmetrical (5marks)

Question 16

Impairment of the sense of smell:

a) May be confined only to certain odours

b) Increases with age

c) Is likely after thalamic damage

d) Can be caused by inflammation of the nasal mucosa

e) Is a typical sign of an occipital lobe tumor (5marks)

Question 17

Renal Blood Flow

a) Falls by about 10% when arterial pressure falls 10% below normal

b) Is greater per unit mass in the medulla than in the cortex

c) Falls during emotional stress

d) Falls during moderate blood loss

e) Is determined by the metabolic needs of the kidney (5marks)

Question 18

The Renal Clearance of:

a) Inulin provides an estimate of glomerular filtration rate

b) Chloride increases after an injection of aldosterone

c) PAH eventually falls as its plasma concentration rises

d) Urea is lower than that of inulin

e) Inulin is independent of its plasma concentration (5marks)

Question 19

Diabetes insipidus (deficiency of antidiuretic hormone) causes:

a) Excretion of urine with a persistently low osmolality

b) The daily urinary volume to increase to a maximum of three liters/day

c) Depletion of extracellular but not intracellular fluid volume

d) A rise in the fluid osmolality

e) A fall in the intracellualr fluid osmolality (5marks)

Question 20


a) Stimulate the release of free fatty acids form adipose tissue

b) Secretion tends to raise the plasma potassium level

c) Facilitates entry of glucose into skeletal muscle

d) Facilitates entry of amino acids into skeletal muscle

e) By vagal nerve activity (5marks)

Question 21

Changes in maternal physiology during pregnancy include a:

a) Positive nitrogen balance

b) Rise in mean blood pressure of around 20mmHg

c) Rise in arterial carbon dioxide pressure

d) Decrease in tone in the urinary tract

e) Rise in the renal threshold for glucose (5marks)


Question 22

Draw a table to illustrate the distribution of total body water. (5marks)

Question 23

a) What do you understand by the term “feed forward control” (2marks)

b) Explain any two (2) examples of feed forward control (3marks)

Question 24

a) Define the terms “facilitated diffusion” (2marks)

b) Give two (2) examples of facilitated diffusion (3marks)

Question 25

Describe the factors which prevent oedema formation in a healthy subject (5marks)

Question 26

Draw a well labeled graph of an action potential in a nerve (5marks)

Question 27

Briefly explain the functions of any three (3) hormones produced by the kidney (5marks)

Question 28

Draw a diagram to illustrate the oxygen dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin and on it indicate the effects of increase in PCO2, pH and 2,3 diphosphoglycerate (2,3,DPG)

Question 29

List any four (4) enzymes which digest fats (5marks)


Question 30

Describe the physiology of the autonomic nervous system (20marks)

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