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Hsci 225:Hiv/Aids Question Paper

Hsci 225:Hiv/Aids 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013




This paper consists of sections A, B and C
Answer all questions in all sections.

Multiple choice questions: choose the correct answer and indicate in the answer booklet. (10 marks)

Correct response earns (1 mark)

Question One

80% of HIV infections occur in people aged?

10 – 25 years
25 – 35 years
15 – 50 years
35 – 50 years

Question Two

In some regions religion plays a very important role in HIV management, however the number of infections seems to be on the rise, why is this?

Increased promiscuity
Decreased use of ARV’s
People not going for testing
Increased use of ARV’s

Question Three

One financial coping mechanism among households affected by HIV/AIDS is

Open up larger business enterprises in towns
Sell households assets
Change jobs
Turn to home based care.

Question Four

HIV 1 is primarily confined to

West Africa
Sub Saharan Africa
None of the above

Question Five

During voluntary counseling, client interviews is meant to

Gather information
Handle emotions
Assess risks
Do all the above

Question Six

The word pandemic implies

A disease frequently observed in a given region.
An epidemic that is geographically wide spread
A descent affecting many individuals in a community
A disease occurring on and off.

Question Seven

Some of the reasons why HIV infections are high among the youth include:

Alcohol and drug use
Sexual activity
Most of them do not know their HIV status
All the above

Question Eight

Biological risk factors associated with sexual transmission of HIV include all except

Viral load
Male circumcision
Male uncircumcision

Question Nine

All of the following are myths except:

HIV/AIDs is a disease that affects only multiple sex partners
Should not share food and clothing with an infected person
HIV can be transmitted to a baby who exclusively breast feeding from an HIV positive mother
HIV can be transmitted from an insect that previously bit an infected person.

Question Ten

One week after infection with HIV, an individual CD4 is likely to be:

500-1500 cells/ml
200 – 500 cells/ml
<200 cells/ml
>1500 cells/ml

For question (11-22) indicate whether the following statements are True or False and write the answers in your booklets.

(10 marks)

Correct response earns half a mark.

Question Eleven

Regarding male condoms

It can be washed dried and used again
Combining two condoms increases protection agains HIV
It can be lubricated using water based lubricants
It is not heat sensitive.

Question Twelve

Male circumcision reduces HIV transmission because

Circumcised males are less promiscuous
Circumcised males are mature and more responsible
After circumcision the penis glands get keratinized hence not easily bruised.
Circumcision eradicates langerhan’s cells
Reduces chances of infections of STDs.

Question Thirteen

HIV deaths and sicknesses have cut the value of agricultural production by over 17%

Question Fourteen

Adhearance to ARVs increases ones chances of getting healed from HIV/AIDs

Question Fifteen

HIV 1 and HIV 2 cause clinically indistinguishable AIDs disease.

Question Sixteen

Political upheavals and natural calamities are instrumental in the spread of HIV/AIDs.

Question Seventeen

Sexually transmitted infections (STI) can only be contracted through sexual intercourse.

Question Eighteen

A person can have sexually transmitted diseases (STD) without any signs or symptoms.

Question Nineteen

Macrophages may be long term reservoirs in infected persons since the virus does not kill them.

Question Twenty

A positive ELISA result has to be confirmed further by Western Blot test.

Question Twenty One

Asking students to go for VCT and know their status is discrimination.

Question Twenty Two

In terms of HIV/AIDs epidemiology the society as a whole is affected

SECTION B (Short Answer Questions (40 marks)

Question One
Explain the higher rates of HIV infection among girls and women compared to their male counterparts. (5 marks)

Question Two
Discuss the challenges posed by HIV/AIDs scourge to the society despite recorded decline in prevalence rate. (5 marks)

Question Three
Explain the importance of ART in HIV/AIDs management. (5 marks)

Question Four
Most HIV/AIDs orphans are cared for by grand parents, explain the advantages and disadvantages of this practice. (5 marks)

Question Five
Explain factors necessary for HIV transmission to occur form one individual to another. (5 marks)

Question Six
Explain the effect of HIV on immune system. (5 marks)

Question Seven
State five advantages of rapid HIV-antibody diagnostic methods. (5 marks)

Question Eight
List five consequences of irresponsible sex. (5 marks)

SECTION C: Long Answer Questions (40 marks)

Question One
Using relevant examples describe ten interventions that can be used to slow down the rate of spread of HIV/AIDs in Kenya. (10 marks)

Question Two
Discuss the significance of good nutrition as one of the management strategies for people living with HIV/AIDs. (10 marks)

Question Three
Define counseling. Describe the counseling process and its significance in HIV/AIDs management. (20 marks)

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