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Medb 101: Anatomy Question Paper

Medb 101: Anatomy 

Course:Bachelor Of Medicine

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

TIME : 10:00-11:20 A.M

Write your registration number on every paper
This is a marathon practical exam. You are supposed to proceed forwards from whichever question you start, and you should end up where you started
Each station has been allocated ONLY 2MINUTES. When the alarm bell will ring proceed to the next question
Any delay in your question could impend your neighbor. You are supposed to move whether you have finished or not
Question 1
Name the structure labeled A__________________________
State the root value of the structure_____________________
Name two other structures that traverse the infrapiriformic compartment of the greater sciatic foramen
Question 2
Name two muscles that attach on the area shaded blue
Name two muscles that belong to the hamstring group
Question 3
Name the muscle tagged B
State the innervation of the muscle
Name two actions of the muscle
Question 4
Name the bone and indicate which side it is from
Name one function of the bone
State any two abnormalities of the bone
Question 5
Name three muscles that insert on the area shaded red
State the innervation of gluteus maximus muscle
Question 6
Indicate which side this bone is from
Classify the tibiofemoral joint
Name the bursa involved in Clergyman’s knee
Question 7
Regarding the injury shown, state;
(i) Anatomical basis of distal fragment displacement
(ii) One likely neurovascular complication
(b) State the root value of the following nerves
(i) Superficial peroneal:
(ii) Pudendal:
Question 8
Name one ligament that attaches to the part labeled C
Name any two distal attachments of the ligament you mentioned above
Question 9
Name the bone shown
State the pattern of blood supply to the bone
Name one complication of fracture to the bone
Question 10
Name the bone and indicate which side it is from
State two reasons why the bone is easily fractured
Classify the Acromioclavicular joint
Question 11
State the muscles that attach on the parts labeled A, B, C
State one action of the muscle that attaches on A
Question 12
The radiograph shows a fracture of a bone in the arm
Name the bone and the fractured part
Name two structures likely to be affected
Name one muscle innervated by the auxillary nerve
Question 13
Name the nerves closely related to the parts X and Y
State the root values of the nerves
Question 14
Side the bone shown and give one reason
Name two movements that occur at the proximal radioulnar joint
Question 15
Name the bone involved in the fracture shown in the radiograph
State one complication of the fracture
State the pattern of blood supply to the bone
Question 16
Name the organelle shown and give one reason for your identification
State two functions of the organelle
Question 17
Name the type of cell with the features shown, and give one reason for your answer
Name two such cell types in the body
Question 18
Name the organ shown in the slide under microscope, and give one reason for your answer
Give two functions of the organ
Question 19
Name the organ shown under power and give one reason for your identification
Name two cell types found in the organ
Question 20
State the abnormality shown in the photograph
Name the hormone deficiency responsible for the abnormality
State the hormones associated with the following defects
Diabetes insipidus_____________________
Diabetes mellitus________________________
Question 21
Name the functional unit shown
State the components of the unit, and its function
Question 22
Name the endocrine gland shown under power, and give a reason for your answer
State two hormones produced by the gland
Question 23
State True or False
The thyroid gland produces some androgens
The hormones produced by the parathyroid glands regulate the basal metabolic rate
The oxyphil cells of the parathyroid glands produce parathyroid hormone
The parathyroid glands are six in number
Question 24
Name the organ shown and give one reason for your identification
Name the two hormones produced by the Graafian follicle
Question 25
Name the organ shown under power, and give one reason for your answer
Name three hormones produced by the Islets of Langerhans
Question 26
Name the limb anomaly shown in the photograph
State the anatomic abnormalities in the anomaly
State two functions of amniotic fluid
Question 27
Name the parts labeled A and D
State two reasons why the second week of development is referred to as "the week of twos"
Question 28
Name the congenital anomaly shown in the photograph
State the anomalies associated with the following embryonic derivatives
Yolk sac______________________________
Question 29
State the chromosomes affected in the following syndromes
Down’s syndrome
Edward’s syndrome
Prader-Willi syndrome
Name one anatomic feature of Down’s syndrome in the head region
Question 30
Name the parts labeled A, B, C and D

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