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Buss 441:Management Studies Question Paper

Buss 441:Management Studies 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other THREE Questions

Question 1

a) Brookside Dairy Ltd is a leading milk processor in Kenya. Due to the recent milk glut experienced in the country, the company’s top management has an option to expand its market to Southern Sudan. However, the management would want to be assured of the country’s political and economic situation before making this crucial decision. They have therefore published a ‘Request for a Proposal’ in the local dailies, in an effort to identify a consultancy firm to carry out a market research, with an objective of understanding the political situation of the host country (Sudan).


Write a proposal to the Managing Director of Brookside Dairy Ltd, elaborating clearly on the issues your firm is going to address if you are considered for the assignment. (20 marks)

b) In question ONE above, still as a consultant, the top management has further requested you for advice on foreign market entry strategies. Prepare a report, suggesting to the management of Brookside Dairy Ltd the best options available with justifications. (15marks)

Question 2

When planning to go abroad, an international marketer must make FIVE major decisions. Critically discuss these decisions, outlining the challenges in each decision. Use appropriate examples (15 marks)

Question 3

Write brief notes on any of the following three international business concepts.

(a) Purchasing power parity theory of exchange rates.

(b) Theory of comparative advantage.

(c) Theory of acquired advantage.

(d) Economic integration. (15 marks)

Question 4

a) Define the term exchange rate and outline the three main exchange rate systems adopted by various countries. Which system does the Kenyan government use? (8 marks)

b) XYZ Ltd, a local textile company with operations in Kenya wants to go international. However, the company is likely to face various restrictions from the host countries. Discuss the reasons behind such restrictions and barriers by the host countries. (7marks)

Question 5

a) Define international competitiveness and explain Five factors that determine a firm’s international competitiveness (8 marks)

b) Briefly explain the difference between ethnocentric and polycentric management approaches adopted by international marketers. Use appropriate examples. (7marks)

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