Cisy 438:Advance Network Security Question Paper
Cisy 438:Advance Network Security
Course:Computer Science
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2010
INSTRUCTIONS Answer ALL Questions in Section A and TWO in Section B
Question 1
a) Define the following terms (8Marks)
i) Control
ii) WEP
iii) Data Integrity
iv) Confidentiality
b) List the various types of biometrics technology (4Marks)
c) VOIP uses SIP. List five facets of SIP in establishing and terminating multimedia communications (5Marks)
d) Describe what is meant by Computer Forensics (5Marks)
e) Describe the penetration testing as applied in system security (5Marks)
f) List the main components of SAN Architecture (3Marks)
Question 2
The IP Security Architecture
a) The IP Security Architecture, or IPsec, offers an interoperable and open standard for building security into any Internet application. Describe the various services offered by IP Sec. (5Marks)
b) Describe SSL Architecture and Network Security Architecture (15Marks)
Question 3
a) SET is an open encryption and security specification designed to protect credit card transactions on the Internet. Describe SET Requirements, Features and with the help of a diagram show all the SET System Participants (15Marks)
b) Describe the main security threats of VOIP (5Marks)
Question 4
a) According to Meraki Companies deploying a wireless network need to take security into consideration. Describe the following recommended security Architectures (10Marks)
i) Open With VPN
ii) Shared KEY WPA 2-PSK
iii) WPA2 Enterprise
iv) Hybrid Approach
b) You have been hired by Company X to implement a comprehensive security management system. Describe the main areas that you need to address. (10Marks)
Question 4
a) Radio Frequency Identification Systems (RFID) use tags to annotate and identify object. Describe the entire RFID Security Architecture stating the functions of each component (10Marks)
b) What are the main RFID security challenges (5Marks)
c) Discuss Network Forensic (5Marks
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