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Hsmu 253:Health Marketing Question Paper

Hsmu 253:Health Marketing 

Course:Health Management System

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Answer ALL Questions in Section A and TWO in Section B 2. Write your University ID on ALL scripts 3. Use only blue, black ball point or ink


Question 1

a) Highlight the contribution of healthcare marketing to the achievement of vision 2030. (5marks)

b) Explain the major areas of differences between services industry and manufacturing industry. (5marks)

c) Evaluate the three levels of strategy. (5marks)

d) What environmental influence would you attribute to the rapid shift of patient from conventional medicine to alternative medicine. (5marks)


Question 2

a) Discuss the seven Ps of the service industry. (7marks)

b) Describe the components of an effective strategy. (10marks)

c) Differentiate between a need and a want in Healthcare marketing. (3marks)

Question 3

a) From the Health care industry perspective, discuss the concept of posture of competition by applying Michael Porterls five forces model. (10marks)

b) Discuss the concept of sustainable competitive advantage and how health care managers achieve this by adopting Michael porters Generic strategies. (10marks)

Question 4

a) Discuss factors Health care companies take into consideration in determining the price of their service. (10marks)

b) Evaluate the criteria for effective segmentation. (5marks)

c) Relate marketing Myopia to product concept/philosophy. (5marks)

Question 5

a) In your opinion as a marketing manager which healthcare services fall under the following buying situations.

i) Variety seeking behavior. (2marks)

ii) Dissonance reducing behavior (2marks)

iii) Complex buying behavior (2marks)

b) “Consumer behavior is a complex behavioral science discipline”. However marketing managers have identified certain factors that influence consumer buying behavior identify these factors and with health care examples explain how these factors influence consumer buying behaviors. Identify these factors and with health care examples explain how these factors influence consumer behavior. (12marks)

Question 6

Health care marketing managers usually pursue growth, market share and profitability objectives for their organization; Describe how they achieve the above objectives by utilizing following portfolio models;

a) BCG model (10marks)

b) GE (Stoplight) model (10marks)

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