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Comm Iii:Communication Skills Question Paper

Comm Iii:Communication Skills 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2008




INSTRUCTIONS: Answer 3 questions in total

Questions 1 (Compulsory)

a) Briefly describe a communication incident and list the barriers to communication which prevented the right message getting through.

(10 marks)

b) Human beings seem to have a sense of ‘personal space’ which is divided into four types of distance each appropriate for different kinds of interaction and relationships. With examples describe the four types of distance.
(4 marks)

c) What are the various objectives of Communication? Explain them briefly.

(8 marks)

d) Explain the objectives and importance of maintaining a proper record of minutes by any

(10 marks)

Question 2

a) Compare and contrast written and oral communication as used in organizations

(10 marks)

b) Explain the Interviewee and Interviewer preparation for an interview

(10 marks)

Question 3

a) Explain the various ways a public speaker can capture, arouse and maintain the attention of the audience during a presentation.

(10 marks)

b) Explain the key guidelines of preparing and delivering a presentation using visual aids

(10 marks)
Question 4

a) What is Listening? Why is listening important in business communication

(10 marks)

b) What are the barriers in effective listening? How can they be overcome?

(10 marks)
Question 5

a) There can be no fixed rules about the style of language which is appropriate for an internal memorandum . It will depend on several factors. Briefly explain these factors

(5 marks)

b) You are employed by Bill’s General Motors. The Head of Security Mr. Collins has
discovered that on more than two occasions recently the vehicles have been left unlocked.
He thinks that the Maintenance and Production department should be a bit careful. He has
decided to introduce a system where all keys would be stored after 5.00pm each day and a
book to sign in and out any keys picked.
Collins says to you, I would like you to send a Memo to the concerned department. Let
them know that I have a copy of the memo. Remind them to lock up all the rooms when
they leave.

(15 marks)

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