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Ched 011:Christian Beliefs Question Paper

Ched 011:Christian Beliefs 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2008



TIME : 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) What is meant by the following terms?

i) A Christian. (3marks)

ii) Beliefs (3marks)

iii) Polytheism (4marks)

b) Discuss the common convictions found in Christianity, Islam and Judaism (10marks)

Question 2

a) Discuss the importance of studying Christian beliefs. (10marks)

b) Identify some key elements found in the Apostles creed (10marks)

Question 3

a) How do Christians understand Jesus Christ and his role in human history (10marks)

b) List any five major Christian beliefs. (10marks)

Question 4

Although God is beyond human understanding, he is certainly knowable. Explain this statement giving specific illustrations (20marks)

Question 5

a) Give a combinational view of the proof of the existence of God. (5marks)

b) Humanity can solve most of life`s problems by first understanding God`s attributes. Explain briefly. (5marks)

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