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Dpba 017:Business Law Question Paper

Dpba 017:Business Law 

Course:Diploma In Public Relations & Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




INSTRUCTIONS • Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) Distinguish the following:

i) A crime and a civil wrong. (4marks)

ii) Public and private law. (2marks)

iii) Substantive and procedural law (2marks)

iv) International and Municipal law. (2marks)

b) Define contract. For a contract to be legally binding, essential elements of a contract must be present (essentialia of a contract). Discuss them. (10marks)

c) i) Name and briefly discuss forms of delegated/subsidiary legislation. (4marks) ii) Briefly discuss them modes of terminating an Agency. (6marks)

Question 2

a) i) Define jurisdiction and briefly discuss factors that limit jurisdiction of our courts. (5marks) ii) Mary and John had a partnership firm by the name “MAHJOHAUDITORS”. They now wish to dissolve their partnership, advise them on the modes of terminating their partnership. (5marks)

b) Jimmy and Kate have formed a Company that deals with supplies of office stationery. They have a dispute as to whose account the Company money should be kept. Jimmy claims that having contributed 70% of the capital, he is the director to take care of the company`s money be depositing the money into his personal account. Advise them on the consequences/ effect of incorporating a Company; use relevant case law. (10marks)

Question 3

a) In a contract of sale of Goods, discuss the rights of a buyer and the unpaid seller. (10marks)

b) Discuss the factors that vitiate consent in a contract. (10marks)

Question 4

a) Mr. Abel and Miss Jane wish to form an Agency to deal with property management. Advise them on how an Agency is formed. (10marks)

b) Discuss the contents of a partnership agreement. (10marks)

Question 5

a) Briefly discuss the general defences in tort. (10marks)

b) i) Name FIVE rules of acceptance. (5marks)

ii) Name FIVE rules of consideration (5marks)

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