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Buss 421:Business Consultancy Question Paper

Buss 421:Business Consultancy 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) What is the role of consulting in business today (5marks)

b) Discuss reasons why it is important to involve the client throughout the consulting process (5marks)

c) It is important for an organization to implement the deliberations brought forth through consultation in order to address the business problem at hand. Depending on the agreement the consulting may or may not be involved. Briefly explain practical guidelines on organization should follow in the implementation of consulting assignment. (10marks)

d) XYZ company limited a firm with a workforce of 600 employees has had a share of problems in the issue of employee productivity. One of the strategic managers feels that the organization is slowly dipping into higher wage bills. She also feels that the reason why this has been happening is because the organization has yet been able to determine her optimal workforce level. The board of management has directed that this phenomenon be investigated. However, the CEO of the company is now faced with the challenge of determining the type of consultants to use.


i) Explain to the CEO the available options as far as the selecting of the consultant is concerned. (2marks)

ii) Explain the pros and cons of the option identified (4marks)

iii) If you were to select one of the option for the CEO, explain the one you would pick in regard to the problem at hand (4marks)

Question 2

a) Briefly discuss the trends presenting significance implication on the growth and development of business consulting industry (10marks)

b) Imagine you are a consultant and a potential client has just requested you to draft a letter of agreement to serve as the basis of engagement in a consulting assignment. What items will you be sure to include in this document (10marks)

Question 3

a) Briefly explain the term consultancy according to Larry Greinen and Robert Metzger (3marks) b) In your own opinion why do you think service establishment such as: a hotel, a bank, law firm and school require consultancy service. Discuss. (8marks)

c) The need for consultancy services has been growing at an accelerated pace in recent past. Briefly explain the factors that have pushed many organization to seek help from consultancy (9marks)

Question 4

a) Briefly explain the type of consultancy service Kongowea Traders who require from you as a business student who has undergone BUSS 421 course. (6marks)

b) Consultant/client relationship must be addressed before a major consultancy work takes place. Briefly explain the importance of defining this relationship. (6marks)

c) Consulting is in itself a very brand concept in that every conceivable area of life requires. Some kind of professional intervention in the way of consulting services. Briefly explain any four the main concerns of consultancy service in todays business management. (8marks)

Question 5

a) A consultancy process has various stages which are serially connected. By using a practical example discuss the process of consulting (12marks)

b) Change management is an important ingredient of success of consultancy task. In most organization this is never handled carefully increasing the chances of failure citing any consultancy task as an example. Explain;

i) The importance of managing change in the wake of a major consultancy implementation (3marks)

ii) Factors for successful change management (3marks)

iii) The process of change management (4marks)

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