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Buss 421:Business Consultancy Question Paper

Buss 421:Business Consultancy 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) The client’s problem lies at the core of the consulting assignment. What are the FIVE principal dimensions used in problem identification and definition? (5marks)

b) Briefly discuss reasons why it is important to involve the client throughout the consulting process. (5marks)

c) List several practical guidelines for effective implementation of consulting assignments. (5marks)

d) Generate a check list of questions needed to guide the action planning stage of the consulting process. (5marks)

e) Briefly explain the distinct advantages of consulting for small businesses. (5marks)

f) Critical thinking is considered as an essential requirement for the consultant during the action planning phase. Briefly explain five techniques that may be used in to create workable solutions for the client. (5marks)

Question 2

a) Several factors greatly inhibit the development of skilled and motivated consultants and leaders of help teams. Discuss. (10marks)

b) How can the role of consultants be expanded to overcome the challenges you have outline above(10marks)

Question 3

a) There are certain problems that small businesses often encounter. Critically discuss at least FIVE such challenges (10marks)

b) Offer recommendations to resolve the issues you have outline above (3.a) (10marks)

Question 4

a) Imagine that you are a consultant and a potential client has just requested you to draft a letter of agreement to serve as the basis of engagement in a consulting assignment. What items will you be sure to include in this document? (10marks)

b) In the course of their duties consultant face a myriad of ethical dilemmas, discuss. (10marks)

Question 5

a) Highlight and discuss critical differences between the directive and non-directive roles of business consultancy. (15marks)

b) What are the factors that influence the selection of consulting role? (5marks)

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