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Buss 421:Business Consultancy Question Paper

Buss 421:Business Consultancy 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

Kenya Methodist University is seeking the services of management Consultants to train and help employees design and implement the Balanced Score Card. As an expert in Management Consultancy. You have been picked to carry out the exercise for them.

a) Explain the main phases you need to go through to carry out his assignment. (10marks)

b) Discuss the main types of contracts you may need to sign with the client. (10marks)

c) What are the key characteristics of consultancy services. (10marks)

Question 2

Entrepreneurs and Managers turn to consultants to bridge a perceived gap in the organizations performance in the organizations performance.

a) Explain the generic reasons why business consultants are used. (7marks)

b) What are the main features of a good management consultant? (7marks)

c) Under what circumstances would a client reject a consultant’s report? (6marks)

Question 3

In any consulting intervention, a consultant assumes different roles repressing a sphere of competences. With use of a clear examples discuss the roles of consultants in the process of a consulting intervention. (20marks)

Question 4

a) How change is introduced in the client organization largely determines the ultimate success of a consulting alternatives. (10marks)

b) Discuss any FIVE generic skills required by a consultant to enable them effectively address business problems. (10marks)

Question 5

a) After successfully completing a consulting intervention, it’s important for both parties to carry out an evaluation of the consulting process. Explain the key evaluation areas and evaluation criteria. (12marks)

b) Explain the main components of a consultancy proposal. (8marks)

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