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Dprm 035:Business Consultancy Question Paper

Dprm 035:Business Consultancy 

Course:Diploma In Public Relations & Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) Briefly explain concept business consultancy. (2marks)

b) Describe any two types of consultation (4marks)

c) Differentiate between the human and technical dimensions of consultancy (4marks)

d) Outline five reasons why most consultant client relationships might have problems. (5marks) e) Highlight five contents of a consulting assignment (5marks)

f) Explain why there is need for a collaborative relationship between the parties in a consultancy (5marks)

g) Identify five ways of improving interpersonal skills in business consultancy (5marks)

Question 2

a) Highlight any five types of clients that a consultant is likely to deal with (10marks)

b) Explain how an organization is likely to gain from using consultants (10marks)

Question 3

a) Outline any five principles that a consultant should adopt when identifying and defining problems. (10marks)

b) A fresh graduate from KeMU is keen on starting a consultancy firm. Briefly explain five types of consulting organizations that he may turn to. (10marks)

Question 4

a) Discuss five aspects of independence that are necessary in the consultant – client relationship (10marks)

b) Describe the five step model of the consulting process (10marks)

Question 5

a) Outline any five activities that take place during termination (10marks)

b) Highlight five possible sources of facts that a consultant may use during problem diagnosis (10marks)

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