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Buss 421:Business Consultancy Question Paper

Buss 421:Business Consultancy 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013





Answer question one and any other two questions.
Clarity of expression and use of practical examples will be rewarded.

Question One

Define "business consultancy."

(3 marks)

A firm had determined that it needs to engage the services of a consultant.

How should the firm go about selecting a suitable consultant? Explain all possibilities.

(7 marks)

How should the client and the consultant ensure that the consultancy contract once signed between them succeeds?

(5 marks)

Why has management business consultancy become popular among organizations?

(5 marks)

Identify and explain any four skills types required of a consultant.

(5 marks)

What do you understand by "Capability statement" as applied to consultancy assignments? Why is it critical to the success of any consultant?

(5 marks)

Question Two

Clearly explain the consulting/consultancy process.

(8 marks)

How can we ensure that communication during consultancy is effective.

(5 marks)

You are walking on the streets of Nairobi and over-hear the following conversation between two people A and B.
Bwana, you need to know the going on inside……those on the periphery haven’t the slightest chance!"
What do you mean?
Exactly that! .... in addition, you need a potent response to requirements and, more importantly, to ’spice up, the offer…. You know what I mean? ....
I do not understand
So, you thought there is anything for free?
Not really, but…. It was an open one and I responded…. Now waiting.
Ok, continue waiting brother……….

What is the context and what crucial issues can you pick up? (7 marks)

Question Three

Identify and explain the areas in which consultancy can be used by organizations.

(7 marks)

Why are project management skills important in any consultancy assignment?

(6 marks)

Clearly discern/identify the status of consultancy practice in Kenya? Identify any gaps that suggest any three ways in which the practice can be improved.

(7 marks)

Question Four

The relationship between the client and the consultant may fail. Clearly explain the reasons for the failure and suggest ways of ensuring that the relationship is harmonious.

(8 marks)

Distinguish between expressions of interest (EOI) and request for proposal (RFP) and briefly explain the role of each of these in business/management consultancy.

(6 marks)

Identify any two types/categories of management/business consultancies and briefly describe each one of them.

(6 marks)

Question Five

Briefly explain the role of (i) consultant and (ii) client in a consultancy setting.

(4 marks)

A firm has determined that the level of skills it needs to be competitive may not be sufficient given the competitive environment.

What should they do to clearly determine the skills gap?

(3 marks)

What kind of consultant should they engage to assist them address the business issue at hand.

(3 marks)

Supposing the recommendation from the consultant includes the need to implement a change programme in the firm

1. Would there be a possibility of resistance? (3 marks)
2. How should the firm act to ensure that the change is successful (any two actions) (3 marks)

Under what circumstances may a consultant fail? Briefly explain. (4 marks

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