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Buss 116:Business Ethics And Social Responsibility Question Paper

Buss 116:Business Ethics And Social Responsibility 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) The management of Nairobi’s Nakumatt Supermarket was in a dilemma on whether to lock or open exit doors when there was a fire breakout at their stores. If the doors were opened members of the public could rush in to save the trapped shoppers and thereby raise the number of casualties. Also looting could take place. If the doors were locked, trapped shoppers may not escape and no item would be saved. Discuss in detail the practical steps that the management would have used to solve this ethical dilemma. (20 marks)

b) In deciding to keep the emergency exit doors locked, what moral philosophy or theory to business ethics guided the management’s action? Explain (5marks)

c) Outline five advantages of Corporate social Responsibility (5 marks)

Question 2

a) What is Corporate Social Responsibility? How does it differ from Business Ethics?(10marks)

b) What do you understand by Whistle blowing? Under what circumstances is external whistle- blowing morally justified? (10 marks)

Question 3

a) Identify and give a brief description of the factors that influence individual decision making within an organizational set-up. (15 marks)

b) Identify the drivers of corporate social responsibility. (5 marks)

Question 4

Give a brief explanation of the following ethical concepts (20 marks)

a) Insider trading

b) Social Audit

c) Morality based on duties

d) Morality based on virtues

e) Relativism

Question 5

a) Assuming that you are an entrepreneur of an upcoming factory in the North Eastern part of Kenya, what five factors would you consider in determining the suitable wages and salaries of your employees? (10 marks)

b) Differentiate between the classical (Economic) view of CSR and the socio- Economic view CSR. (10marks)

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