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Buss 116:Business Ethics And Social Responsibility Question Paper

Buss 116:Business Ethics And Social Responsibility 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

Case study

The managing director of one of the food processing industries is shocked to learn that one of their products contains harmful contents which have a long term effect on those who will consume the said product. As a result he moves quickly to stop its production and its distribution to save the lives of many others who may not have used the product as of yet. To his surprise, he discovers that the production manager was aware of the existence of harmful elements in the product, but figured out that the company would lose a lot of money if the production was stopped since the raw materials had been imported at a very high cost. a) i) Identify and explain the moral philosophy or theory that guides the managing Director’s decision making (5marks)

ii) Identify and explain the moral philosophy that guided the Production manager’s decision making (5marks)

b) Explain how technology and conflict of interest are ethical issues in business (4marks)

c) Outline six advantages of corporate social responsibility (6marks)

d) Outline five ways of reducing or even eliminating unethical behavior in an (10marks)

Question 2

a) Explain the following stages of Kohlberg’s model of cognitive moral development

i) Instrument and Relativity stage (5marks)

ii) Interpersonal Concordance stage (5marks)

iii) The Social Contract stage (5marks)

b) What do you understand by Whistle blowing? (5marks)

Question 3

Identify and explain at least two ethical issues that arise out of the following functional areas of business

a) Human Resource management (5marks)

b) Accounting (5marks)

c) Sales and marketing (5marks)

d) Management (5marks)

Question 4

Assuming you are a newly appointed Head of Department in a large organization. You notice a continuous financial malpractices like faking claims, irregular awarding of tenders, and payment of ghost workers amongst others. This has been a way of life in the department even before you joined the organization. What practical steps will you take to solve this dilemma? (20marks)

Question 5

a) The justice and fairness theory of ethics insists that justice and fairness should not only be claimed to be done by the decision makers, but should also be experienced by the people affected by the decision made. Justify this statement and give relevant examples. (15marks) b) Individual difference factors are among the factors that influence an individual’s ethical decision making with organizations. Briefly explain what these factors are (5marks)

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