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Dpba 017:Business Law Question Paper

Dpba 017:Business Law 

Course:Diploma In Public Relations & Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a. Define the term law. Explain the main purposes of law (6 marks)

b. List and explain the sources of law in Kenya as outlined under the judicature Act Cap 8 of the laws of Kenya. (8 marks)

c. Differantiate between criminal wrong and a civil wrongs (5marks)

d. List and briefly explain any six clauses of the memorandum of association as stipulated in the company Act (6 marks)

e. Briefly explain five advantages of an act of parliament as a source of law (5 marks)

Question 2

a. Differentiate between limited companies and unincorporated business enterprises (10 marks)

b. Briefly explain the major functions of the legislature (4 marks)

c. List and explain any Six characteristics of a negotiable instrument (6 marks)

Question 3

In a partnership business individual partners have various rights, duties and Liabilities. Briefly explain the rights and liabilities of individual partners in a partnership business. (20 marks)

Question 4

a. Differentiate between a tort and a crime (5 marks)

b. Briefly explain the circumstances where Volenti Non-Fit Injuria can be pleaded successfully (6 marks)

c. Define the term trespass. Explain any seven acts amounting to trespass to land (9 marks)

Question 5

a. Define the term Contract (2 marks)

b. Describe the various types of contracts (4 marks)

c. Discuss the essential elements of a valid contract (14 marks)

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