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Dbmg 036:Business Planning Question Paper

Dbmg 036:Business Planning 

Course:Diploma In Public Relations & Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010



INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) Discuss the various parts of a business plan (12 marks)

b) Discuss the five alternative indicators that would assist you to identify Potential business opportunities in any area (10 marks)

c) Discuss the characteristics of a good business opportunity. (8 marks)

Question 2

a) All business goals can be short term or long term but they all should be? (2 marks ) b) Indicate the importance of business goals (8 marks )

c) What is a financing proposal? ( 2 marks)

d) What is a break even point? (2 marks)

e) State and explain the three elements used in the analysis of breakeven point (6 marks)

Question 3

a) Define an income statement and explain any four of its components (10marks)

b) Discuss any five key areas that you should consider when doing your production or operation planning (10 marks)

Question 4

a) Define the following terms

i) An entrepreneur (2 marks)

ii) Critical risk (2 marks)

iii) Normal risk (2 marks)

iv) Competition (2 marks)

v) Organization plan (2 marks)

b) What are the three times that you should be concerned about competition? (6 marks)

c) What is a cash flow projection? (4 marks)

Question 5

a) Discuss the combination of factors that influences a business environment. (6 marks)

b) Discuss your plans to encourage group goals over individual goals (5 marks)

c) State and explain the two ingredients of a real business opportunity. (4marks)

d) As a critical part of a business plan, the financial plan expresses all the activities of the business plan into monetary terms. State any FIVE of the components of a financial plan (5marks)

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