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Dicm 201: Child Health &Amp; Paediatrics Question Paper

Dicm 201: Child Health &Amp; Paediatrics 

Course:Clinical Medicine & Surgery

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


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Question One
Outline the immediate care of the newborn. (5 Marks)
Question Two
Briefly describe the physiology of lactation. (5 Marks)
Question Three
Outline FIVE causes of depression of a newborn requiring resuscitation.
(5 Marks)
Question Four
List FIVE advantages of breastfeeding. (5 Marks)
Question Five
What are the complications to which small for gestational age and preterm infants are particularly susceptible? (5 Marks)
Question Six
List TEN causes of anaemia in a newborn. (5 Marks)
Question Seven
Outline the clinical features of respiratory distress in a neonate. (5 Marks)
Question Eight
List FIVE complications of measles in children. (5 Marks)
Question Nine
List FIVE clinical features of rickets. (5 Marks)
Question Ten
What are some of the abnormalities you find in downs syndrome? (5 Marks)
Question One
A 2 year old girl presents with seizures in the hospital. Prior to arrival she had convulsed 5 times at home.
Outline causes of seizures in this child.
What will be the management of this child?
Question Two
A two day old neonate presents with abdominal distension and vomiting feeds.
List four major features of congenital intestinal obstruction.
What will be your immediate management of this neonate?
Question One
The following are complications of respiratory distress syndrome.
Subglottic stenosis
Retinopathy of prematurity
Question Two
Neonatal aprioea can be caused by:
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Question Three
Causes of neonatal seizerers include:
Cerebral artery infarction
Pyridoxine deficiency
Intracranial haemorrhage
All the above
Question Four
True or False
Kwashiokor child is miserable and has symmetrical oedema.
Kwashiokor is a genetic disease
Marasmic child has paler skin than expected
Motor development is often regressed in kwashiorkor
Question Five
The following are clinical features of rickets.
Pigeon chest
Rickety rosary
Bowing of the head
Delayed walking and sitting up
Question Six
The following causes tertian malaria.
Plasmodium falciparum
Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium ovale
Plasmodium malariae
Any of the above
Question Seven
True or False
The basic treatment for measles is amoxicillin
Rehydration is crucial in the treatment of measles
Pneumonia is a complication of measles
Disseminated intravascular coagulation is not a complication of measles
Measles rash starts on the lower limbs and trunk.
Question Eight
True or False
Man is a secondary host for hookworm
Hookworm enter the body by ingesting the eggs.
Hookworm can cause larva migrans on the skin
Hookworms cause perianal itching especially at night.
Anaemia is a feature in Hook worm infestation
Question Nine
True or False
Rubella is transmitted in nasopharyngeal secretions
Important complication in Rubella is intestinal obstruction
Rubella and measles present almost always at the same time
The rash in Rubella appears on the face then limbs
The incubation period for rubella is 1-2 months.
Question Ten
True or False
Cytomegalovirus is a RNA virus.
Cytomegalovirus is a member of the herpes group
Congenital infection of cytomegalovius develops in uterus
Cytomegalovirus can lead to hydrocephalus
Cytomegalovirus is rarely spread in urine or saliva
Question Eleven
The clinical features of diabetes in children include:
Rapid weight gain
Unexplained enuresis
Perineal irritation
Increased appetite
Question Twelve
HIV is a retrovirus
Seroconversion occurs at any time from 8 weeks after transmission of the HIV.
HIV infection is of low infectivity compared to hepatitis B
HIV binds to lymphocytes and monocytes
HIV is the same as AIDS
Question Thirteen
The clinical features of congenital intestinal obstruction include:
Bile stained vomiting
Failure to pass meconium
Visible Peristalsis
Scaphoid abdomen
Refusal to breastfeed
Question Fourteen
Whooping cough:
Caused by a gram negative bacteria.
Drug of choice is acyclovir tablets.
Complications include encephalopathy associate with convulsions
Young infants may not whoop
Incubation period is 7-10 days
Question Fifteen
Causes of anaemia in the neonatal period include
Iron deficiency
Suppression of erythropoietin secretion
Increase in the intravascular blood volume in the early months
Hookworm infestation
Severe malaria
Question Sixteen
The following are important complications of cleft palate
Hearing impairment
Mouth breathing
Unclear speech
Poor dental development
Question Seventeen
The following are true or false concerning typhoid fever.
The pulse rate is lower than that expected from the degree of fever.
Abdominal pain is not usual in the first 2 year of life.
Leucocytosis is common during infancy
Leucopenia is seen in older children
There is a rapid stepwise increase in temperature
Question Eighteen
Breast Feeding
Let-down reflex is stimulated by contact with the baby
Anxiety and embarrassment suppress the reflex action.
Oxytocin causes contraction of the breast ducts.
Dripping of milk from the breast not being sucked is due to the reflex action
All the above
Question Nineteen
Lymphoid tissue growth
Does show different growth pattern to other organs.
Amount of lymphoid tissue in the body increases after puberty
Ceases to grow at the age of 40 years
Maximal growth is followed by regression
Adenoid tissue grows progressively in both children and adults.
Question Twenty
Total parentenal nutrition indications include
Ovarian surgery
Gastrointestinal obstruction
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Severe malabsorption

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