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Marketing Management Question Paper

Marketing Management 

Course:Master Of Business Administration

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2005





Answer questions ONE and TWO other questions.

1.Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.


Timtrax is a company that manufactures electronic watches.For a long time the company has been operating profitably and has a loyal group of customers.Three years ago,sales of the firm's watches started going down.Investigations revealed that consumer buying patterns as well as their tastes had changed in favor of other competing brands.

In a recent Board meeting,the production manager felt they should purchase up-to-date equipment that will enable the firm to develop more innovative watches.This,he felt would enable the firm to capture high networth group of customers.

The sales manager on the other hand,felt that they needed to look for new markets elsewhere and to fully utilize the existing machines and equipment.More sales would be realized especially if the strategy is coupled with more aggressive promotional campaign.The Finance Manager was caught in the middle as either way would mean spending money yet the firm was not in a good financial posture.

It was concluded that the situation be left as it was given that the competing firms were new comers in the industry and that customers will soon realize their products weaknesses and revert to Timtrax's watches.


(i) Was the firm pursuing the production product selling or marketing concept?(6 marks)

(ii) Explain the dangers of reaction pattern that the board members had adopted.(6 Marks)

(iii) How would marketing research assist the firm?(8 Marks)

2.Research has revealed that MBA Programmes in country X have been segmented to cater for both full time and part time students.

a) Advance the case for the direction that the university has taken.(8 Marks)

b) In developing the positioning strategy for their MBA programme.

i) Which criteria should the University consider?(6 Marks)

ii) Which alternative positioning strategies should they pursue?(6 Marks)

3.When American Motor Corporation decided to introduce the 'pacer' another model in its line of small cars,it was essential that the car was economical on fuel.In the event,this did not happen.The car turned out to be heavy and chunky and heavy on fuel.

i) What were the possible reasons for the new product development?(8 Marks)

ii) What steps could the company have taken to ensure the successful development and introduction of the new product?(12 Marks)

4.West Ltd intends to introduce vacuum cleaners in the Kenyan market.The firm is evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of the introductory price skimming approach verses a price penetration approach.Discuss the pros and cons of each pricing strategy.On what basis should the firm base its pricing decision?(20 Marks)

5.When implementing a communication programme,it is imperative for the tool used to capture consumer attention.

a)Discuss using examples the factors that affect attention.(8 Marks)

b) A marketing communicator must decide an appropriate communication mix,based on a variety of factors.What are these factors and how do they relate to communication mix?(12 Marks)

6.Middlemen are parasites.If they are eliminated,prices will come down and manufacturers will obviously generate high profits.Discuss the relevance of these statements using examples from the Kenyan environment.(20 Marks)

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