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Bibl 322: Christian Counseling Y3s2 Question Paper

Bibl 322: Christian Counseling Y3s2 

Course:Bachelor Of Theology

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2009


1. Section A: Answer question ONE (compulsory)
2. Section B: CHOOSE and answer TWO questions from questions 2, 3, & 4

SECTION A. (30 %)
1. a) Define the following Terms
i. Pastoral Care (1 mark)
ii. Pastoral Couselling (1 mark)
iii. Pastoral Psychotherapy (1 mark)
iv. Empathy (1 mark)
v. Anger (1 mark)
vi. Anxiety (1 mark)
vii. Loneliness (1 mark)
viii. Panic Attack (1 mark)
ix. Social Anxiety Disorder (1 mark)
x. Grief (1 mark)

b) List the FIVE goals of Christian Counseling. (5 marks)
c) Discuss in detail what makes Christian Counseling different from Secular Counseling?
(15 marks)

SECTION B. (40 %)
CHOOSE and answer TWO questions from questions 2, 3, & 4

1. a) List and discuss SIX misconceptions of Christian Counseling (6 marks)
b) As a Christian Counselor, you discovered that Christopher’s Church attendance and
performance is deteriorating. He later confided in you that he has spiritual problems.
Briefly explain SEVEN probable causes of his problems. (14 marks)

2. Albert comes in for Christian counseling and presents with the following complaints:
Rapid heart rate, tension headaches, trouble sleeping, sweaty palms, fatigue, low energy,
general stress, dizziness, uneven heart beat, chest pain, acidic stomach, shyness, introversion,
fear of rejection, fear of embarrassment, slight paranoia and ‘what if ‘ thinking.
a) What is Albert suffering from? (4 marks)
b) Explain three factors that might have caused Albert’s condition. (6 marks)
c) Mention and briefly explain five ways of counseling Albert. (10 marks)

3. Premarital Counseling seeks to help individuals and couples to prepare for the happy,
fulfilling, Christ- honouring marriages.
a) Discuss SEVEN reasons for premarital counseling? (7 marks)
b) What are FIVE the purposes of premarital counseling. (5 marks)
c) What are the possible subjects of discussion in a Premarital Counseling. (8 marks)

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