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Marketing Management Question Paper

Marketing Management 

Course:Master Of Business Administration

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2007




1.Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.


Ozel Company manufactures industrial component products to a very high standard in the industry.The quality of Oz's products is reflected in them being engineered to tighter specifications.Whereas competitors maintain product specification to tolerances within a few hundredths of a centimeter,the Oz to tolerances,which demand accuracy within a few thousandths of a centimeter.This increased accuracy.However,is obtained with the aid of costly plant and machinery that demands expensive maintainance.In addition,quality control standards have to be very high and scrappage costs are known to be higher than competitors.

Working to such high engineering specifications means the costs of production are substantially higher than those of competitors and the price charged to customers is correspondingly higher.Many companies are prepared to pay higher price because the precision engineered product give more durable services and customers experience fewer problems with the products in use than those produced by competing firms at lower prices.

Recently, however,the effects of precision have been felt by all Oz's customers and cost-saving exercises have been implemented by all of them.Nearly all Oz's customers have indicated that unless Oz can reduce its prices to the level of those of the other potential suppliers,they will be forced to take customers to Oz's competitors.

The message clearly indicates that Oz's customers gain sufficient benefits from their more precisely engineered products to warrant paying the premium price that specialist are to recommend its products to customers in preference to cheaper unbranded or mixed yarn products.

1.a)Conduct SWOT analysis for Allworm Ltd.(10 Marks)

b) Comment on the business philosophy/orientation that Allworm is pursuing term of its pros and cons(10 Marks)

c) How would Allworm Ltd reorganize its business in order to more market-driven?(10 Marks)

2) The managing director of an electronic component has asked you to develop a feasibility study regarding the introduction of a laser-disk player in the e home entertainment market.Prepare a detailed outline of the demographic factors that you should asses in your study.(20 Marks)

3)A market segmentation study sponsored by a fast-food hamburger chain identified five market segments.

a) Explain how the firm arrived at the five segments

b) Management of the firm decided to go after only one segment out of the five identified .Do you think Management made an appropriate target market selection?(20 Marks)

4) Using the concept of the Product Life Cycle,discuss the various actions that a marketer can take to prolong the Life Cycle of its product.Use practical examples to illustrate your points.(20 Marks))

5) Using the product classification,demonstrate how you can develop appropriate promotional programme.(20 Marks)

6) a) Price setting is an important exercise that a firm must take seriously.

Provide reasons to support the above statement.(8 Marks)

b) When setting the price for its products,a firm must decide whether to position it on quality and price.Using practical examples,describe the price-quality positioning strategies that a firm can adopt.(12 Marks)

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