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Hrmt 411: Crisis And Change Management 2010 Question Paper

Hrmt 411: Crisis And Change Management 2010 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2010

 Answer questions ONE and any other THREE questions.

a) Define organizational change (2 marks)
b) Organizations are viewed as systems. State the common characteristics shared by most
systems. (4 marks)
c) Name two types of organizational structures (2 marks)
d) State five demerits of formal organizational structures (5 marks)
e) Identify four roles of the HR professionals in the management of change (4 marks)
f) Identify four process oriented strategic leverages to change. (4 marks)
g) What do you understand by Total Quality Management (TQM) (2 marks)
h) State two reasons why training and development is important in the management of
change (2 marks)

2. Change has become an inevitable feature of organization life in today’s competitive business
a) Identify and discuss the drivers of organizational change. (10 marks)
b) Discuss Kurt Lewis model of planned change (5 marks)

3. The rapidly of change taking place in the social, political and economical environment is
creating a marked impact on organizations as well as individuals.
i) Identify and explain the forces of change stemming from the environment. (5 marks)
ii) Discuss any five types of organizational change (10 marks)
4. People’s past experience of change can affect their level of commitment to the organization
and their willingness to support further change.
a) Discuss the reasons why employees resist change (7 marks)
b) How can managers overcome employee resistance to change? (8 marks)

5. (a) Discuss the key steps in the process of diagnosing change in organizations. (5 marks)
(b) Identify and explain the ways in which a manager can maintain control during the
change process. (10 marks)
6. (a) Identify and discuss five forms of organizational restructuring . (5 marks)
(b) Discuss how change can be managed through reorganizing work activities in order to
increase organizational efficiency and effectiveness. (10 marks)

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