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Crisis And Change Management 2008/2009 Academic Year Question Paper

Crisis And Change Management 2008/2009 Academic Year 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2008


a) Imagine you are the Human Resources Manager of Eveready Kenya Ltd, which is
currently undergoing changes due to rural electrification. The changes may mean
the organization close shop because their products will not be required by the
consumer in the long run. The C.E.O requests you to write a report on the possible
ways that the company can be rejuvenated back to business. (10 marks).
b) It is sometimes proposed that some businesses become poor-performing
organizations because they fail to recognize changes in their environment and
adapt to them quickly enough. How far do you agree with the statement above?
What are other possible causes if any? (6 marks).
c) Change being a constant aspect in an organization, it complexity cannot be
undermined, especially because the most affected resource is the individuals
working in the organization. Bearing this in mind, clearly explain how you can
deal with individuals’ resistance to change. (6 marks).
d) With the aid of a diagram, discuss the divisional organizational structure, citing its
merits and demerits. (8 marks).
a) Discuss the statement,” Strategic changes whilst triggered by change in the
external environment nevertheless have their greater impact on an organization’s
internal affairs.” (8 marks).
b) Managers have two general strategies they can take in their attempt to lessen
environmental uncertainty. They can respond by adapting and changing their
actions to fit the environment, or they can attempt to alter their environment to fit
better with the organization’s capabilities. Elaborate on these strategies.
(8 marks).
c) Discuss the role of Human Resources Management in managing change.
(4 marks).
a) “Employee training can set the supportive climate for change management”.
Using relevant examples, justify this statement. (8 marks).
b) Benchmarking and Total Quality Management are strategic leverages to change
that organizations can implement as prospects to change. Distinguish the two with
the use of practical examples. (7 marks).
c) Explain some of the techniques that can assist in the diagnosis of change.
(5 marks).
a) Elaborate on any FIVE reasons behind the rapid changes in organizations in the
last two decades. (5 marks).
b) “Major changes create highly complex managing problems particularly if the
people involved are to learn from the process”. With this in mind, explain how an
organization can successfully implement its change management programme.
(8 marks).
c) The commitment and support of top management is crucial to effective change
management. Give reasons to support this statement. (7 marks).

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