Geog 110: Introduction To Human Geography Question Paper
Geog 110: Introduction To Human Geography
Course:Education And Counselling
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2010
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) Explain the following terms as used in human geography and geography in general?
i) Geography (2marks)
ii) Human geography (2marks)
b) Discuss the two distinguishing characteristics of human geography as an academic discipline? (4marks)
c) Discuss the two main traditions of human geography that gives the discipline its identity and integrity? (6marks)
d) Human geography has several sub-fields focusing on various human activities on the earth surface. Discuss any three branches or sub-fields showing their main concerns? (6marks)
Question 2
a) Explain the meaning of the term “space” as used in human geography? (2marks)
b) As spatial science, there are three views or perceptions of geographic space used in determining the distribution of human geography. Discuss these three views or perceptions of space? (9marks)
c) Using suitable examples, discuss three condition necessary for spatial interactions of human activities? (9marks)
Question 3
a) Explain the meaning of the term a “region ” as used in geography? (2marks)
b) Differentiate between the subjective and objective view of a region (4marks)
c) Using suitable examples, discuss and distinguish two main types of regions in geography? (14marks)
Question 4
a) Explain your understanding of the term industrialization? (2marks)
b) Industrialization is regarded as a positive development capable of stimulating economic growth. Discuss why develop countries, especially in Africa should embrace and undertake industrialization? (8marks)
c) The low economic development in Africa is more linked to low levels of industrialization. Discuss the main barriers to industrialization process in developing countries? (10marks)
Question 5
a) Explain your understanding of the term urbanization as used in human geography? (2marks) b) Developing countries are experiencing high rates of urbanization despite the low economic development. Discuss the main causes of urbanization in these countries? (8marks) c) Despite the level of urbanization being equated to industrialization and used as a measure of growth and economic development, developing countries are experiencing enormous challenges due to the high rates of urbanization. Discuss some of the challenges of urbanization in developing? (10marks)
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