Nrsg 468:Critical Care Nursing Question Paper
Nrsg 468:Critical Care Nursing
Course:Bachelor Of Science In Nursing
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
Critical care nursing (NRSG 425) (NRSG 468) 1ST TRIMESTER 2013
UNIT CODE : NRSG 425/468
Answer all questions in the booklet provided.
Question One
Which of the following nursing diagnosis would have the highest priority in an unconscious patient with head injury?
Self care deficit related to inability to feed self.
High risk for impaired skin integrity related to immobility
High risk for aspiration related to impaired motor function.
Altered family process related to permanent disability.
Question Two
If bleeding occurs at the insertion site after a cardiac catheterization, the nurse should apply:
Warmth to the unaffected extremity.
Warmth to the affected extremity
Pressure one inch below the insertion side.
Pressure one inch above the insertion side.
Question Three
Which of the following Glasgow’s coma scale score indicate severe impairment of neurological function in a patient with head injury?
Question Four
In peritoneal dialysis, urea and creatinine pass through the peritoneum by:
Active transport
Diffusion and osmosis
Question Five
The QRS wave of the normal ECG waveform represents.
Atrial repolarization
Atrial depolarization
Ventricular repolarization
Ventricular depolarization.
Question Six
Airway size for oropharyngeal sunctioning is measured by?
Determining the distance from the nares to the occiput
Determining the distance from the corner of the mouth to the earlobe.
Determining the distance from the nares to the earlobe.
Inserting the catheter until resistance is met.
Question Seven
Pre-renal failure results from:
Bilateral obstruction of urine outflow
Conditions that diminish blood flow to the kidneys.
Damage to the kidney parenchyma
Any pre-existing condition that contributed to renal dysfunction.
Question Eight
A patient’s arterial blood gases are as follows: PH 7.25, PaO255mmg, and PaCo2 58mmHg and HCO3 34 mEq/L. What is the interpretation?
Respiratory acidosis
Respiratory alkaloses
Metabolic acidosis
Metabolic alkalosis
Question Nine
Components of cardiac output include:
Systematic vascular resistance and mean arterial pressure.
Systematic vascular resistance and heart rate
Heart rate and stroke volume.
Stroke volume and mean arterial pressure.
Question Ten
Impaired blood supply to the kidneys may cause
Peri-renal failure
Pre-renal failure
Intra-renal failure
Post-renal failure
SECTION II (Short Answer Questions)
Question One
List four complications of hemodynamic monitoring.
(2 marks)
State one nursing intervention to prevent or detect each complication mentioned in (a) above.
(4 marks)
List four components of hemodynamic monitoring systems.
(2 marks)
Question Two
List four indications for pacemaker placement.
(2 marks)
Describe the care of a patient following permanent pace maker insertion.
(5 marks)
Explain three health messages that a nurse would share with a patient being discharged with a permanent pacemaker.
(3 marks)
Question Three
Explain any three needs of families of the critically ill patient and state one nursing intervention to address each of the mentioned needs. (6 marks)
Question Four
State two goals of nutritional support in the critically ill patient.
(2 marks)
List four indications of parenteral nutrition.
(2 marks)
Describe the management of a patient on total parenteral nutrition.
(5 marks)
Question Five
List two indications for mechanical ventilation.
(1 mark)
Explain three complications of mechanical ventilation.
(3 marks)
State one nursing intervention to prevent each mentioned complication.
(3 marks)
SECTION III (Long Answer Question)
Question One
Isaac who is 33 years old is admitted to the intensive care unit following a road traffic accident.
Explain the meanings of A, B, C, D and E in regards to primary surgery of a trauma patient.
(5 marks)
State five possible nursing diagnoses for Isaac during the first 72 hours.
(5 marks)
Describe the collaborative management of Isaac for the first 72 hours.
(10 marks)
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