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Envs 212 2008/2009 Academic Year Question Paper

Envs 212 2008/2009 Academic Year 

Course:Bachelor Of Environmental Science

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2008


Answer ALL questions from the two sections

1 a) Define the following terms with respect to air pollution
i. Aerosol
ii. Primary pollutant
iii. Point sources (3 mks)
(b) SO2 gas is considered by most health workers to be the most serious primary air pollutant.
Give reasons for this. (2 mks)
2 (a) Draw a well- labeled diagram of the physical structure of the atmosphere (naming the various
parts of the atmosphere). (4 mks)
(b) Chloroflurocarbons (CFCS`) are inert in the troposphere but contribute to ozone depletion in the
(i)Name the common uses of these compounds. (2 mks)
(ii) Outline the mechanism by which these compounds cause ozone depletion. (4 mks)
3 (a) Define the following terms as used in industrial chemistry
(i) Vulcanization
(ii) Unit operation
(iii) Pilot plant
(iv) Calendaring in pulp industry
(v) Annealing (5 mks)
(b) Unit operation and process are very important inputs into chemical industry in fats/oils industry
describe the unit operation or process for the conversions shown below
(i) Unit operation in obtaining oils from oil seeds
(ii) Unit operation in soap manufacture
(iii) Unit operation in convention of oils to fats ( 3 mks)
4. Explain the chemical difference between soap is detergent (3 mks)
5 (a) Name the various stages involved in wastewater treatment (1.5 mks)
(b) Explain how the following in processes are carried out in waste water treatment
(i) Removal of undissolved solids (1 mk)
(ii) Removal of dissolved solids (1.5 mks)
6 (a) Global warming is a major concern to scientist of late. Explain clearly the meaning of the
term ‘global warming’ and explain
How CO2 and H2O contribute to global warming. (6 mks)
b) The international panel on climate change (IPCC) has forecasted that global surface temperatures
will increase on average by 1.4 –
5.8 by the year 2100. Briefly discuss three likely impacts of global warming on the
earth’s environment. (3 mks)
c) Methane (CH4) is a green house gas, but it its contribution to global warming is LESS than that
of CO2g. Explain this observation (2 mks)
7 a) What is meant by the term photochemical smog? (1 mk)
b) Explain the role of nitric oxide (NO) in the formation of photochemical smog. (Include in
your answer the relevant chemical reactions that lead to photochemical smog formation).
(6 mks)
c) Describe three methods which can be used to control carbon monoxide gas emissions
from automobiles (3 mks)
8a) Explain the meaning of the term ‘acid rain’ (1mk)
b) Show clearly, using equations the major mechanism of nitrogen compounds emitted to
the troposphere to nitric acid HNO3 in rain water (6 mks)
c) Briefly, describe three likely consequences of acid rain on agricultural systems (3 mks)
9) Explain briefly the manufacture of Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) use the following sub-headings
i. Raw materials
ii. Objectives of pilot plant
iii. Plant site selection
iv. Chemical process ( use equations to describe the manufacture of Na2CO3) (10 mks)

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