Bibl 314 Question Paper

Bibl 314 

Course:Bachelor Of Theology

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2009


Answer ANY SEVEN questions only

1. Discuss any 5 defining qualities of an effective preacher (10pts)

2. An expository sermon is one among the many types of sermons.
a. Differentiate between an expository sermon and a textual sermon (2pts)

b. Name and briefly explain the 4 advantages of preaching an expository sermon

c. What are the challenges of preaching an expository sermon? (4pts)

3. In order to interpret a passage accurately, we need t o understand its context very well.
a. When studying a passage, a preacher must study both the logical and historical
contexts of a passage. Under the two contexts, identify 3 kinds of contexts you
would consider when studying a passage. (6pts)

b. What would be the danger of ignoring to study the context of a passage?

4. Mr. Cheptul has approached you saying that he struggles developing his sermon outline to
make it strong, understandable and persuasive. Explain with relevant examples any 5
supporting materials he can use to amplify, explain, prove or apply his main points to make
them understandable and persuasive. (10mks)

5. A sermon outline is what the preacher will actually use in preaching.
a. How does a sermon outline differ from a hermeneutical outline? (2pts)

b. How does a sermon outline relate to the sermon idea? (2pts)

c. Identify any 6 guiding principles one should consider while preparing a sermon
outline. (6pts)

6. Every sermon must have a purpose.
a. What do you understand this term ‘purpose’? (2pts)

b. How does the purpose differ from a sermon idea (2pts)

c. Using an example, show how one can determine the purpose of their sermon
d. What are the 3 main ways through which a preacher may accomplish his/her
purpose in a sermon? Explain briefly. (3pts)

7. You have met a young pastor who argues that there is no need of writing out his sermons.
a. Give 6 reasons you would put out to him to convince him on why a preacher should
write down his/her sermons. (6pts)

b. Explain to him the process he would take when writing down a sermon
8. Construct a textual sermon from Philippians 3:12-14
Here is the text:

Phil 3:12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I
press on to take hold m
of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. n 13 Brothers, I did
not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is
and straining towards what is ahead, 14 I press on p
towards the goals to win the
prize q
for which God has called r
me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
(From the Holy Bible, New International Version. Pradis CD-ROM: Phil 3:12)


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