Math 700: Biometrics Question Paper
Math 700: Biometrics
Course:Masters Of Science
Institution: Chuka University question papers
Exam Year:2013
DAY/DATE: FRIDAY 16/8/2013 2.30 PM – 5.30 PM
Answer all Questions
Use two decimal places in your calculations.
1. (i) What is experimental design? [2 marks]
(ii) Explain the events involved in experimental design formulation in research. [5 marks]
2. A researcher calculated a mean of 24 and a mean square error of 67 in the analysis of variance from an experiment which had 4 replicates. Use this information to answer the following questions.
(i) Calculate the standard deviation
(ii) Calculate the standard error of the mean
(iii) Calculate the coefficient of variation.
3. Use the data below to estimate a simple regression equation of weight on heart girth of cows: [7 marks]
Cow 1 2 3 4 5 6
Weight (Y) 641 633 651 666 688 680
Hearth girth (x) 214 215 216 217 219 221
4. An experiment was Iai Table 5 presents data on weekly first lactation yields of Friesian cows on 4 different diets. Two weekly yields were incomplete due to death of cows. The researcher is interested in determining whether average weekly yield differ for the four diets. Each diet being a treatment.
Diet Weekly lactation yields
1 231 209 226 214 230 218
2 160 183 210 179 191 -
3 251 246 238 227 240 -
4 195 188 204 192 210 197
Calculate ANOVA for the data and show if the diet effects are significant at ?=0.05?
[10 marks]
5. An experiment was conducted to test the intake of four different diets (A,B,C, and D) for milking cows. The experiment was designed as a Latin square with four animals in four periods of 20 days. The cows were housed individually. Each period consisted of 10 days of adaptation and 10 days of measuring. The data below are the means of 10 days.
Periods Cows
1 2 3 4
1 10.0 (B) 9.0 (D) 11.1 (C) 10.8 (A)
2 10.2 (C) 11.3 (A) 9.5 (D) 11.4 (B)
3 8.5 (D) 11.2 (B) 12.8 (A) 11.0 (C)
4 11.1 (A) 11.1 (C) 11.7 (B) 9.9 (D)
(a) Calculate ANOVA for the data. [12 marks]
(b) Are there significant supplement, cow and period effects at ?=0.05?
[3 marks]
6. An experiment was designed to determine possible interactions of three types of protein sources with increasing energy on mild yield in dairy cows. The protein sources were: rapeseed + soybean, sunflower + soybean and sunflower + rapeseed; and energy levels: Standard and High level. The basal diet was the same for all cows. The average daily milk yields of the cows were measured and the data is recorded in the table below:
Protein source Rapeseed + soybean Sunflower + soybean Sunflower + rapeseed
Energy level High Standard High Standard High Standard
32 25 30 29 28 25
29 26 29 28 27 30
38 25 26 34 32 26
36 31 34 36 33 27
30 28 34 32 33 28
25 23 30 30 37 24
29 26 32 27 36 22
32 26 33 29 26 28
(a) Calculate ANOVA for the data. [12 marks]
(b) Test the significance of the effects of protein source, energy level and interaction between protein source and energy level at ?=0.05. [3 marks]
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