Mktg 432:Consumer Behavior Question Paper

Mktg 432:Consumer Behavior 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR MKTG 432) 1st Trimester 2011




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) Assume that you are a brand manager of a new “weight loss” product, whose unique selling proposition is “convenient 100%weight loss with no side effects”. Discuss how understanding of each of the following consumer behaviour topics would assist you in designing appropriate marketing strategies for this product.

i) Reference groups (4marks)

ii) Consumer research (4marks)

iii) Consumer motivation (4marks)

b) Using a specific example, describe the consumer purchase decision making process. (10marks)

c) Consumer behaviour is an interdisciplinary discipline. Discuss. (8marks)

Question 2

a) In order to design appropriate marketing strategies a marketer must segment his/her target market depending on consumer characteristics. Discuss the basis used by marketers in segmenting consumer markets. (15marks)

b) Describe the requirements for effective segmentation. (5marks)

Question 3

a) Describe the Instrumental/Operant conditioning theory by B.F. Skinner and discuss its application in influencing consumer behaviour. (10marks)

b) Using a specific example discuss the different types of buying behaviour. (10marks)

Question 4

a) Using a practical example, discuss the different roles of family member in a purchase decision. (10marks)

b) What do you understand by the term ‘Cognitive Dissonance’? Explain the strategies used by marketers to reduce cognitive dissonance. (10marks)

Question 5

a) Using examples distinguish between personal and organizational consumers. (5marks)

b) i) Suggest a ‘Consumer Behaviour’ related research topic. (2marks)

ii) Describe four research objective for your study in (i) above. (4marks)

iii) Suggest and explain the main sources of data for your study. (9marks)

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