Nurs 111: Human Anatomy I Question Paper
Nurs 111: Human Anatomy I
Course:Bachelor Of Science Nursing
Institution: Chuka University question papers
Exam Year:2012
DAY/DATE: TUESDAY 11/12/2012 2.30 P.M – 4.30 P.M.
SECTIONA: Multiple choice Questions. Total: 10 Marks
Choose only one correct answer from the following questions.
1. Which of the following statements is false regarding the bronchial plexus?
(a) It is the source of innervation of the whole upper limb.
(b) The musculocutaneous nerve is a branch from the lateral cord.
(c) The radial nerve is the continuation of the posterior cord and is the largest
branch of the whole plexus.
(d) The nerve to subclavins is a branch from the upper or superior trunk.
2. Which of the following statements is true about the elbow joint?
(a) A pathological increase in the carrying angle may damage the radial nerve.
(b) Movements that occur at the elbow joint include flexion, extension and
(c) The head of radius is free to rotate within the annular ligament.
(d) It is a synovial joint of ball and socket variety.
3. Which of the following muscles do not belong to the posterior compartment of the
(a) Abductor pollicislongus
(b) Extensor digits minimi
(c) Anconens
(d) Palmosislongus
4. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) The scapula is the first bone to ossify in the fetus via endochondial
(b) The claride ossifies via membranous ossification from two centers which later
(c) Degree of paralysis of pectoralis minor is a guide for degree of brachial plexus
(d) The Saturday night palsy occurs after injury to the ulnar nerve.
5. The contents of the femoral triangle from medial to lateral arc.
(a) femoral nerve, femoral artery, femoral vein
(b) femoral artery, femoral vein, femoral nerve
(c) femoral artery, femoral nerve, femoral vein
(d) femoral vein, femoral artery, femoral nerve
6. Which of the following statements are true?
(a) Elastic carriage never calcifies.
(b) Ligaments are usually elastic.
(c) Fibrocartilage is found in the enstuchian tube of the arc.
(d) A secondary cartilaginous joint is also known as synchondrosis.
7. Which of the following statements is true about the axilla.
(a) The lower limit of the axilla is at the level of the fourth rib.
(b) Its apex is formed by muscle.
(c) It communicates above with the anterior triangle of the neck.
(d) The divisions of the brachial plexus are found in the axilla.
8. Which of the following statements is true about epithelial tissue?
(a) Transitional epithelium is found in areas with varying degrees of tension.
(b) Mammalian skin has stratified non-keratinisedsquamons epithelium.
(c) Goblet cells are only found in areas with simple squamons epithelium.
(d) The skin is composed of epidermis and dermis which are both mesodermal in
9. The most important stability factor of the acromiodarvisular joint is
(a) coracohumeral arch
(b) coracoucromial arch
(c) coracodavicular ligament
(d) costodavicular ligament
10. Which of the following statements is true regarding chromosomal abnormalities?
(a) Down syndrome is risomy of chromosome 13
(b) Turner syndrome is an extra X chromosome in females
(c) Edward syndrome is risomy of chromosome 18
(d) Klinfelter syndrome is an extra X chromosome in females
SECTION B: Short Answer Questions. Total: 40 Marks
Answer all the questions.
11. Name the four phases of the menstrual cycle. Briefly explain the occurrences at each
phase. [12 marks]
12. State five differences between prokaryotes and enkaryotes. [5 marks]
13. State the boundaries of the femoral triangle. [4 marks]
14. Discuss the anatomy of the shoulder joint under the following:
(a) Classify type of joint [1 mark]
(b) State the stability factors [4 marks]
(c) State the movements that occur at the shoulder joint [5 marks]
15. Draw and name the parts of a sperm. For each part named, state the function.
[9 marks]
SECTION C: Essay Total: 20 Marks
Choose to answer only one question from the three questions below.
16. Briefly explain the process of fertilization and implantation. [20 marks]
17. Briefly explain the development of the cardiovascular system. [20 marks]
18. Discuss the process of mitosis under the following sub-headings:
(a) Definition [2 marks]
(b) Briefly explain the different stages in order. [18 marks]
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