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Nutrition And Dietetics Question Paper

Nutrition And Dietetics 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Biochemistry

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2005

BIOC 304: Nutrition and Dietetics

Section A (15 marks each)- Answer all questions

1. (a) Define protein quality.

(b) Discuss five indices used to determine protein quality.

(c) Explain "Propein Sparing Effect".

2. Discuss partitioning of gross energy.

3. Discuss the biochemical roles of thiamine giving at least two chemical reactions where it is involved.

State its deficiency signs.

4. Discuss the biochemical roles of iron including the deficiency signs.

Section B - Answer any one question (10 marks each)

5. List all the functions of saliva and differentiate between the composition of saliva of a ruminant and a non-ruminant.

6. Discuss the digestion of sucrose in both a monogathic and a ruminant.

7. Discuss the mode of action of the commercial rat poison "Warfarin".

8. Discuss briefly the functions of any two hormones produced in the duodenum.

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