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Chtu 122: First Aid And Emergency Question Paper

Chtu 122: First Aid And Emergency 

Course:Public Health

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer all the questions on the booklet provided
The exam is 3 hours and consist of 3 parts; Answer ALL the Questions.
SECTION A (Multiple Choice Questions 1 mark Each)
Question One
The reason for checking unresponsiveness in a collapsed victim is:
That the victim may have only fainted
That it helps prevent unnecessary resuscitation
That it may prevent possible harm to a sleeping person
All the above.
Question Two
The best way to find out if a person is unresponsive is to:-
Open the airway
Check the pulse
Shake the person and say "are you okay"?
Open the person`s mouth and give a breath.
Question Three
During an emergency, you are exposed to blood, what is the most appropriate action to perform:
Use soap and water to wash the exposed parts of your body
Contact your personal physician
If at work report to your supervisor
All of the above.
Question Four
To open the airway of a person who is unconscious you should:
Pull a pillow under the person`s head
Tilt the head and lift the chin
Push on the person`s stomach
Raise the person`s legs up.
Question Five
The greatest chance of survival in a cardiac arrest victim occurs when cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is began:
Within 4 minutes of the arrest
Between 6 to 8 minutes of the arrest
Between 8 to 10 minutes of the arrest
After 10 minutes of the arrest.
Question Six
Which of the following behaviors actions reduces your risk of injury?
Always wearing a safety belt when riding in automobiles
Limiting intake of alcohol
Limiting intake of foods high in cholesterol
Both A and B.
Question Seven
What should be your first concern as an emergency care provider at the scene where a person has been seriously burned?
Checking the scene for safety
Checking the victims breathing and pulse
Calling your local emergency phone number
Cooling the burned area.
Question Eight
You are caring for a victim with a burned hand put the hand in cool water if,
The burns are very deep
There are burns with open blisters
The burns are minor with on open blisters
You should put the hand in cool water for all of the above.
Question Nine
Jo-Ann`s grandmother is having weakness in her left arm and left leg. She is also anxious and disoriented. Jo-Ann should:
Assist her into a comfortable position and call emergency medical system (EMS).
Walk her to the bus stop
Call the emergency medical gam (EMS) and start cardiopulmonary resscusitation (CPR).
Treat for shock.
Question Ten
A 15 year old boy has just splashed a chemical on his face. After sending someone to call for an ambulance
Cover the burned area
Have the victim stay calm until ambulance arrives
Flush the burned area with large amounts of water unit the ambulance arrives.
Drive the victim to the hospital.
Question Eleven
The accepted treatment for a femor or thigh fracture is:
Place a short padded splint on each side of the leg
This type of fracture is best handled by a fraction splint applied by those with special training.
Move the victim before properly applying a leg splint.
Bind both legs with two long splints using crarats, one above and one below the break.
Question Twelve
The accepted treatment for a sprained ankle is:
Remove the shoe and check for swelling using the capillary reflex method.
Keep the shoc on, apply an ankle bandage for support elerate and apply cold towels.
Keep the shoe on, apply an ankle splint and apply heat if possible.
Have the victim walk or move as soon as possible to prevent stiffness.
Question Thirteen
The accepted treatment for a nose bleed is:-
Use direct pressure, eleratin and pressure points to control the bleeding.
Tilt the head back and lightly squeeze the nostrils
Have the victim lean forward. Apply gently pressure on the nostril. Apply cold towels
Lay the victim on his back and treat for shock apply heat if available.
Question Fourteen
To treat a first degree burn you should:
Apply a good quality burn cream or ointment
Clean the area thoroughly with hot soapy water
Apply a constricting ban between the turn and the heat
Apply cool running water until there is little or no remaining pain.
Question Fifteen
Which of the following techniques is not suitable for making air unconscious victim?
Improvised stretcher
Four-handed seat carry
Two person carry
Blanket drag.
Question Sixteen
Which statement about a simple sling is true?
The part of the sling against the chest goes over the shoulder on the injured arm.
The "pigtail" protects the neck from injury from the sling.
The injured hand should be four to six inches higher than the elbow.
The part of the sling furthest away from the chest passes over the shoulder on the injured arm.
Question Seventeen
Which of the following correctly describe the CPR technique for an adult?
For cycles of 15 compressions followed by 1 breath
Once cycle if one breath and 10 compressions each 2 to 3 inches deep per minute
Twelve cycles of one breath and 5 compressions per minutes
Four cycles of two breaths and 15 compressions per minute.
Question Eighteen
What is the best procedure for treating a known poisonous snake bite?
Capture the snake. Place it in an ice chest and take the snake and victim to a hospital.
Place the constricting bandage 4 inches above the head of the snake and show the spread of venom.
Keep the victim calm, keep the bite location lower than the heart, get medical help immediately.
Treat the victim for shock and continue the planned activity.
Question Nineteen
Assuming you are properly trained, the best procedure to follow for a water resume is:-
Throw row then go
Try to reach the sphere, than throw a rope or rescue device, last go with support.
Swim with support, throw a rope or flotation device reach with a pole from share.
Reach, paddle swim.
Question Twenty
After you have surveyed an accident scene and provided for your own safely, you should.
Take change remain calm and act with confidence to the level if you training.
Provide primary treatment for shock
Call all or your local emergency number
Provide immediate treatment for the "tummy cases" Emergent cases.
Question One
Define the following terms:- (3marks)
a) First aid
b) Implied consent
Question Two
State FOUR examples of emergency situations that require first aid. (4marks)
Question Three
When calling for help/emergency assistance, state FIVE (5) key information to be shared with the dispatched. (5marks)
Question Four
Differentiate between a 1st degree burn and a 3rd degree burn. (3marks)
Question Five
Describe the concept of good Samaritan law in emergency care provision.
Question Six
Describe the care you would give to a victim with a bone injury. (8marks)
Question Seven
Describe the goals of treatment in a poisoned patient. (4marks)
Question Eight
Describe the FOUR principles that guide emergency care and first aid practice giving an example in each case. (10marks)
SECTION C (Long Answer Questions 40marks)
Question One
You have been riding within a nearby swimming pool then you hear some shouting Help, help my child is drownig!"
a) Define the following terms. (2marks)
i) Drowning
ii) Near drowning
b) Describe the management of the child as a fast aider. (8marks)
Question Two
You witness an adult chocking and he waves at you as though belonging for your assistance;
a) State the 5 signs of chocking an adult. (5marks)
b) Discuss the emergency management of a conscious adult with an
obstructed airway. (8marks)
c) You notice that the victim has a medical alert badge that he is a diabetic
patient. Describe the recognition and care of a diabetic emergency.
d) Briefly describe the management of a child less than 2 years presently
with signs of obstructed airway secondary to choking. (7marks)

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