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Chtu 122/Ehsu 122: First Aid And Emergency Care Question Paper

Chtu 122/Ehsu 122: First Aid And Emergency Care 

Course:Public Health

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


MULTPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Choose the most appropriate response.
Question One
Which of the following pulse point is used in an unconscious victim to assess circulation:
Carotid artery
Carotid vein
Question Two
Blood borne pathogens include
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
Tuberculosis and Meningitis
Hepalitis and tuberculosis
Malaria and Hepatitis B, Virus (HBV)
Question Three
How would you check a victims chest for tenderness during a head to toe assessment for an injured patient/victim
Squeeze the victims abdomen inward between your hands.
Thump the victims abdomen with a finger
Look at the abdomen closely
Gently press the four quadrants
Question Four
If you need to call 999 in an emergency, what should you tell the dispatched/receiver?
Describe the emergency
Give your name and the telephone number of the phone you are using to make the call
Give the exact address where the emergency occurred
All the above.
Question Five
In which situation(s) should you call an ambulance instead of driving to the hospital emergency department?
The injury or condition is life threatening
The injury or condition could become life threatening on the way to the hospital
If the fiction is insured and has an ambulance thumb.
The route to the hospital is short and/or congested.
Question Six
If blood is spurting from a wound, what would you do?
Apply a twoniquet
Cover the wound with a clean cloth and apply continuous pressure with the palm of your hard
Raise the wound above the victims hearts to slow the bleeding
B and C
Question Seven
The victim has pale or bluish skin color cold skin and dull or sunken eyes. These are symptoms of which medical emergency?
High fever
Heart attack
None of the above.
Question Eight
What should you put on a minor (first-degree) burn?
Ice water
None of the above
Question Nine
In the case of multiple victims, which victim should you go to first
One who is quiet
One who is talking
One who is crying
One who is screaming in pain
Question Ten
The most effective intervention in decreasing absorption of an ingested pison is
Milk dilution
Gastic lavage
Activaled charcod
Question Eleven
Whether or not a spinal injury should be suspected can be based on
Mechanism of injury
My personal experience
A head to be examination that reveals signs and symptoms associated with spinal injuries
A and C
Question Twelve
Signs and symptoms of seizures in a patient with a brain injury may include.
Loss of consciousness
Acting of the back and rigidity of the body
Loss of bladder control
Any of the above.
Question Thirteen
If you suspect a responsive victim is having a diabetic reation you should?
Administer insulin
Give him a sweet pop or juice containing sugar
Ask him if the has a GA kit
B and C
Question Fourteen
When treating an interval abdominal kidney as a first aider, you want to make sure you:
Press head on the injured area
Give hot compress
Contact emergency response team
Make victim do sit-ups to exercise weak muscles
Question Fifteen
Treatment of severe heat illness with a good level of consciousness include:
Cold shower
Sit in a both rub of cold water
Hose down with genders hose
All of the above
Question Sixteen
Signs and symptoms of severe hypothesis are
Shivering very active shock
Shivering loss of muscle coordination, confusion
Sweating profusely, vend skin unconsciousness
Blood loss, nausea, diagnosis.
Question Seventeen
A puncture or stab wound with no embedded object should be treated
As external bleeding
As a minor injury of low priority
By emergency medical team personnel only.
Question Eighteen
A second degree burn is
Red blistered and painful
Black and charred
Red, cool to the touch and Italy
Apply pressure to back of nuclei and a wet cloth on the furthered
Question Twenty
When a victim vomits during viscue breathing, the visuer should:
Stop visual breathing because the victim will start to breath
Continue visual breathing
Place the victim in recovery position and stop viscusitol
Place the victim in recovery position, clear airway and reassess airway, breathing and circulation.
True and false questions: Write T for true and F for false on the following statements (question 21 – 30)
Question Twenty One
Wearing medical examination gloves relieves first aiders of hand wasting after leaving for a wounded victim.
Question Twenty Two
Fear of being injured stops some by standers from helping another person.
Question Twenty Three
Conditions involving the respiratory, nervous and skeletal systems can threaten life.
Question Twenty Four
Normal swallowing controls do not work in an unconscious thereon.
Question Twenty Five
The heart receives its nutrients and oxygen via the coronary veins
Question Twenty Six
If a victim is having a seizure, you should place something between his teeth to prevent the victim from botching his tongue.
Question Twenty Seven
A head injury that includes a history of a fall, signs of bleeding, fluid discharge and skin damage should be treated with immobilized of the spine
Question Twenty Eight
The least compression to breath ratio for infant CPR is 30:2
Question Twenty Nine
When dealing with a dental injury, a vescuer should they to salvage any lost or broken teeth
Question Thirty
The first aider has a legal obligation to protect the privacy of first aid treatment regards.
PART II: Short answer questions.
Question One
What five actions should a bystander perform at a emergency scene? (5mks)
Question Two
State three key elements of a home safety plan. (3mks)
Question Three
Define the following terms:
First aid
First aider an emergency.
Question Four
Describe four principles that guide first aid practice and emergency care. (8mks)
Question Five
State ways of preventing transmission of infection during first aid. (4mks)
Question Six
Describe briefly the care to be given to a child with a foreign body on the nose. (3mks)
Question Seven
During emergency childfourt, state three cardinal signs you would expect from a mother in 2nd stage of labour. (3mks)
Question Eight
Briefly describe the steps involved in a cardiac cycle. (6mks)
Question Nine
List two ways of how poisoning ion occur. (1mk)
PART III: Long answer questions
Question One
You are a bystanders at an accident scene involving a Nossen Matatu and a personal car. The main in the personal car has been severely injured and bleeding profusely.
State three important items for a rescuer to remember when it comes to legal confidents at an accident screen.
Using your first aid knowledge and the above three points. Discuss how you would deal with the above situation.

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